and it's not really-
that i think you're that wrong. it's just the fact that respect has to be earned.
and i'll be damned if i get talked to that way. why not contribute in way that will draw new patients and users here and make them feel welcome and invited, with info that is easy to understand.
Murph, you talk the way you talk. I talk the way I talk. respect does have to be earned. You have been earning mine. although we dis agree, you try and see my point. And I try to see yours.
If communication continues, we may learn each others language.
Some info isn't easy to understand. Specific application of what cannabis for what condition, is highly complex. It has to be understood in scientific terms, which are complex by nature, and can't be simplified. I try, I say things like the Ron White quote.It's not THAT the muscle is shaking, It's WHY the muscle is shaking, in hopes of a joke helping people understand what I'm saying.
I don';t know how to share my knowledge in simpler terms. Not on topics like "chemical variances in cannabis affecting various conditions" It's just deep, heady, complicated shit.
So, you can ignore me, choose not to talk to me, you can even rally against me. Or you can keep reading my posts, trying to understand me, and maybe, start to respect me. Your choice.
But when some one slams me..yes, I'll slam back, I'm human. When someone banters with me, I'll banter back, I'm human. And when some one posts something that totally causes my mind to scream " WHAT?", I'll call bullshit and post a rebuttal. Just like they call bullshit, and post a rebuttal to me.
The only difference, is that I'll stay calm inside, and continue to listen to them. I'm not afraid they mean to harm me. I'm confidant in my ability to defend myself. And to shut out there ideas, would be to deny myself knowledge. I get to choose whether that knowledge can help ME or not. But the more knowledge I gain, the better decisions I seem to make.