• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

My favorite things to hear when medical growers get busted...

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Well-Known Member
More concerned about how the State would look at it. See, we are in a forum that discusses medical mj in Michigan.

And if you want the feds to view medical mj as legit..wouldn't you try to make it work in the State that's allowed you the right, in the first place?

Oh, I see..no one every taught you about one step at a time...

So, sir, what's your agenda in a Michigan Medical forum?
Im well informed on how parts and pieces of the State of Mi. look at MMJ, are you?

You sir, seem to have the agenda?

bob harris

Well-Known Member
Im well informed on how parts and pieces of the State of Mi. look at MMJ, are you?

You sir, seem to have the agenda?
I'm well informed on how the State, not in parts and pieces, but as a whole looks at mmj. I'm also really well informed as to how the feds look at mmj.

Neither one likes it. They view it cautiously, as they should. They look for responsible use of those laws, in the States that have voted them in. They realize that 15 years ago or so, no State had mmj. They realize that it's been voted in now in what, 16 states, almost 1/3 rd of the nation? They realize that the voters are speaking loudly and clearly.

And they look at the abuses and arrogance such as yours, and they think "We try, and these people just insist on being asses. How can we allow it to continue".

And yes, I have a clearly defined agenda, to advance the acceptance of mmj. So...what's your agenda? Or have you no agenda at all?


Active Member
So if we all act responsibly in accordance to the law, than the hope is that those in power will look more favorably upon marijuana legislation? If we all act like good boys and girls they will somehow change their minds?
It's about money. The only reason they haven't yanked the program out from underneath us is because it's one of the few sectors actually making money, almost 10 million if I'm not mistaken to date.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
So if we all act responsibly in accordance to the law, than the hope is that those in power will look more favorably upon marijuana legislation? If we all act like good boys and girls they will somehow change their minds?
It's about money. The only reason they haven't yanked the program out from underneath us is because it's one of the few sectors actually making money, almost 10 million if I'm not mistaken to date.
Yes. The hope is that if we all act responsibly, that they will look more favorably upon mj legislation. Yes, if we act like good "boys and girls", and continue to add States to the list of medical States, they will eventually change thier minds.

And if you think 10 million is enough money to affect the economics of the Federal Government, Or even a State government..wow..you need an economics class. 10 billion ain't squat on a national level.

One of all elected officials agenda's (State or National) is to get re elected. You can bet your butt that they notice the voters consistently saying "YES" to cannabis legislation with their votes.


Well-Known Member
the problem is

bob. as we the people, if we tell you to paint it titty pink, that's what you do.

do you like it, who gives a fuck. what ever it is you're goin to in all this, i think you're lost.
in a mosh.

out with status quo. it really doesn't matter what you think. soon, most authority figures are gonna find out.

checkmate nothin. next move, GEn X takes over. if we can't have it our way we'll crash this fucker for sure.

think we won't.


Well-Known Member
I'm well informed on how the State, not in parts and pieces, but as a whole looks at mmj. I'm also really well informed as to how the feds look at mmj.

Neither one likes it. They view it cautiously, as they should. They look for responsible use of those laws, in the States that have voted them in. They realize that 15 years ago or so, no State had mmj. They realize that it's been voted in now in what, 16 states, almost 1/3 rd of the nation? They realize that the voters are speaking loudly and clearly.

And they look at the abuses and arrogance such as yours, and they think "We try, and these people just insist on being asses. How can we allow it to continue".

And yes, I have a clearly defined agenda, to advance the acceptance of mmj. So...what's your agenda? Or have you no agenda at all?

Abuse? LOL!, I follow the "Law" as it was written, my attorney is one of my patients:)

bob harris

Well-Known Member
Abuse? LOL!, I follow the "Law" as it was written, my attorney is one of my patients:)
Your just another guy with nothing meaningful to say. You ask my agenda..I give an answer.
I ask your agenda, you change the topic and hide from answering. I bet you do need an attorney, probably got one that's struggling enough to need to trade his services for your "goods".
What a cute couple!!!!

So..by your lack of response to a direct question about your agenda...that you can't or wont answer. I'll just move on...

bob harris

Well-Known Member
the problem is

bob. as we the people, if we tell you to paint it titty pink, that's what you do.

do you like it, who gives a fuck. what ever it is you're goin to in all this, i think you're lost.
in a mosh.

out with status quo. it really doesn't matter what you think. soon, most authority figures are gonna find out.

checkmate nothin. next move, GEn X takes over. if we can't have it our way we'll crash this fucker for sure.

think we won't.
Murph, buddy, I just want to let you know that I saw this and I'm not ignoring you.

It's just that I'm lacking in reading skills, and can't quite make out what you are saying, or if you are asking a question.

Try and get it down to my level, and I promise to respond.

Until then, stay well medicated...


Well-Known Member
what's your plan-

and how did we really get there, you being the rational one that is, from what i love to hear most. most anyone that does this(growing), was affiliated with cannabis use before the "medical"med. due to that, there has developed a stigma within the cannabis, well really, the whole drug culture. due to the fact most users of other hard drugs use cannabis. that is distrust toward folks that laugh when others get in trouble. generally these type of people are known to be shifty, and not trustworthy.

so your effort was obviously pre meditated, to conduct a certain type of "harmony". right from the get.

then. there is the recent, and i must say overwhelming hatred of the old boys club. noone in my family is a mason, either. but ii do know how to read the constitution. obviously, the baby boomer generation, with all the technological advancements available to them, haven't made much headway beyond their own selfish desires. for me it became painfully obvious at about 11 years old both my parents were idiots. very intelligent, successful, idiots.
i never wanted to be much like them, aside from the things that made us a family. you know, the places, and traditions.

there are a bunch of us that feel this way, and i fear that is to blame for lack of admiration for your thoughts. the way you think is EXACTLY the way that butt fucked miss liberty.

i motion to use techniques, and train of thought of bob harris as examples of what we don't want for MMJ.

regardless of what others do, in the real world(as nice of a guy as i'm sure you are), i do everything i can to make sure guys like you, aren't the face of it.:)


Well-Known Member
and it's not really-

that i think you're that wrong. it's just the fact that respect has to be earned.
and i'll be damned if i get talked to that way. why not contribute in way that will draw new patients and users here and make them feel welcome and invited, with info that is easy to understand.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
Murph...I admire your simplicity and love of life. I wish you well in all your adventures. I hope you remain safe from the law and any other threat that may face you.

You obviously distrust traditional society. Can't say I blame you for that. There is a stigma that cannabis is a gateway drug. Because, like you point out, people using harder drugs, used cannabis first. But that's bullshit..cannabis is not a gateway drug. That's a scare tactic..to justify an unreasonable fear. To those people I'd submit that aspirin is a fucking gateway drug.....because under their line of thought, people that use hard drugs, take aspirin too... And I join you in saying FUCK THAT

But to distrust society, shouldn't prevent you from participating in society. Be safe, do what you do, hurt no one, help many.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
and it's not really-

that i think you're that wrong. it's just the fact that respect has to be earned.
and i'll be damned if i get talked to that way. why not contribute in way that will draw new patients and users here and make them feel welcome and invited, with info that is easy to understand.
Murph, you talk the way you talk. I talk the way I talk. respect does have to be earned. You have been earning mine. although we dis agree, you try and see my point. And I try to see yours.

If communication continues, we may learn each others language.

Some info isn't easy to understand. Specific application of what cannabis for what condition, is highly complex. It has to be understood in scientific terms, which are complex by nature, and can't be simplified. I try, I say things like the Ron White quote.It's not THAT the muscle is shaking, It's WHY the muscle is shaking, in hopes of a joke helping people understand what I'm saying.

I don';t know how to share my knowledge in simpler terms. Not on topics like "chemical variances in cannabis affecting various conditions" It's just deep, heady, complicated shit.

So, you can ignore me, choose not to talk to me, you can even rally against me. Or you can keep reading my posts, trying to understand me, and maybe, start to respect me. Your choice.

But when some one slams me..yes, I'll slam back, I'm human. When someone banters with me, I'll banter back, I'm human. And when some one posts something that totally causes my mind to scream " WHAT?", I'll call bullshit and post a rebuttal. Just like they call bullshit, and post a rebuttal to me.

The only difference, is that I'll stay calm inside, and continue to listen to them. I'm not afraid they mean to harm me. I'm confidant in my ability to defend myself. And to shut out there ideas, would be to deny myself knowledge. I get to choose whether that knowledge can help ME or not. But the more knowledge I gain, the better decisions I seem to make.


Well-Known Member
i can respect that-

my only problem is you are not learning, you are adapting. i am leery of it, and i hope my gut feeling IS wrong.

it normally isn't.

i can value the fact you seem to have alot info. i don't understand were your line of thought is taking us. wouldn't oyu be all for some like you, or me, providing a life for them self, caregiving? because most traditional jobs are now beyond their reach?

use you talents to help us, not oppose. we're good folks, mostly old stoners are the best in the world. we actually need guys like you. not to dictate to us, but to help forge a new path.


Well-Known Member
most of what -

you've proposed so far, doesn't help us, or patients.

it would help pharma. it would help leo. it owuld help big brother. it would help wallstreet. if you have spent a lifetime serving these things, look again at the direction they have takien us, in the manner used.

come to our side. the light.


Active Member
The medical marijuana state offices employ less than 25 people, there overhead is very low. It is comparatively one of the most lucrative sectors in MI government.
You really think that if all 16 states "act responsibly," than the feds are going to accept it? California was the first state to turn medical, look how responsibly they have acted over the last 15 years! Looks like they really "ruined it" for everyone else I guess. Except for the fact that there are now 16 medical states. Many of which adopted legislation to allow for disp. and gross profiteering as you like to point out.

lady bug

Plant Count:

Those don't count, they are still in the cloner.
Those don't count, they are mothers..
They are from seed..some will be males

Too much weight:
I'm allowed 36 plants for my 3 registered patients...how could I know flowering 18 at a time would yield more than 7.5 oz...
It may be over, but it's still drying
That doesn't count..it's "curing"
That 4 lbs of sugar leaf trim? un smoke able/unusable..doesn't count

Outdoor Growing:
It's indoors..there just isn't a roof..

and we wonder why medical mj gets a bad rap from lawmakers and cops....
i dont like medical growers getting busted at all sounds like something a leo would say
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