bob harris
Well-Known Member
Thank you! 95% of ALL MMMP patients smoked or bought weed proir to having their card. Fuck yall and your Hollier Than Though Attiitude!
That's probably true. But I bet they weren't cash cropping.
Thank you! 95% of ALL MMMP patients smoked or bought weed proir to having their card. Fuck yall and your Hollier Than Though Attiitude!
They also actually voted for the med law too!Thank you! 95% of ALL MMMP patients smoked or bought weed proir to having their card. Fuck yall and your Hollier Than Though Attiitude!
It's funny how people all of a sudden get a medical card and then look down their noses at the people who got this law passed in the first place lol.
WTF is wth the grow hate on here? How is it that you don't want people to make a good livng growng herb? Guy digs a ditch he should get paid. I just can't wrap my head around the pricks who HATE on growers illegally and "legally" (yeah, it's all federally illegal assbag-and we are still here growing for you ungragteful dicks). Medicine aside, it's been illegal growers, breeders and researchers that got all of us this far so stop pissing on ther legacy. Jack Herer, Ed Rosenthal, Jorge Cervantes: all them cats worked hard (toiling illegally) to advance what we know about growng, medical uses for herb and techniques to use it plus Marc Emery who is rotting in our jails for getting you ungrateful assholes seeds in the US. He didn't have to flood us with quality gentics and advance our cause he has/had his own in his own country. I'm puking on my keyboard that this thread exists on anything but a cop webste. Fuck the OP and every poster taking the time to +1 his ass with your hillarious stories of the misfortune of the guys that bring you meds.....honestly fuck you. I mean that for real F-U-C-K you!
I remember when a dime bag used to cost a dime.....LOL. You know how you can tell people who don't grow their own? Their posts make them look stupid. Bet you buy your pot and I bet you're not rich.thats a bit of a joke.
have you seen the prices for "pot" even in legal states?
good living growing a weed? Anyone Can do it
absolutely anyone that has enough desire to do it (and at least one functioning hand or whatever replaced it)
after having grown for a few years, i find it absolutely ridiculous, paying Anything at all for this plant lol.
just fucking ridiculous.
"hey, i got a roomfull of plants and i expect to make a good living on that" (which is what? fancy car and big house? bling bling?)
gram of weed actually going higher than the price of gold (something that has thoroughly made people nuts over the years)
fucking joke.
just a fucking joke.
i remember paying a grand a month for my medicine, and what then is the fucking difference between the snakeoil salesmen and dealers?
the dealers product actually works? yup, but its still sick people paying through the nose to feel better (sometimes weed saves lives, no joke)
hehee thankfully more and more people are growing their own, there should be no smoker buying unless they are rich lazy and stupid.
sure, paying people for taking risks, sure, no problem, but when we talking it being more or less legal and still people are paying extortion fees, well fuck that shit.
only morons pay that. thankfully more and more people are gaining wisdom and actually realising they are paying gold prices (something dug up at great expense and effort)
for something that grows like ditchweed on steroids with just a bit of love and attention.
heck you can grow enough weed for most average weekend smokers with a few cfls! lol
for fuck sakes..
clearly you are using the word "usable" out of context in that comment. i could "use" all that trim to roll joints too, but i wouldn't be administering that to those in medical need. or anyone that would want to stay is trim not usable? i use it all the time to make hash ...
I think that if people know whats best for them, they'll stay out of the grey area's. As I'm sure it's been pointed out countless times that it's not that hard. If you're going alone , don't build a big room and space things out. If you're a caregiver, understand your patients needs and plan accordingly.
No fuck you, honestly if you ever go to jail for anything I do hope you get a sore throat from the first cock you suck.WTF is wth the grow hate on here? How is it that you don't want people to make a good livng growng herb? Guy digs a ditch he should get paid. I just can't wrap my head around the pricks who HATE on growers illegally and "legally" (yeah, it's all federally illegal assbag-and we are still here growing for you ungragteful dicks). Medicine aside, it's been illegal growers, breeders and researchers that got all of us this far so stop pissing on ther legacy. Jack Herer, Ed Rosenthal, Jorge Cervantes: all them cats worked hard (toiling illegally) to advance what we know about growng, medical uses for herb and techniques to use it plus Marc Emery who is rotting in our jails for getting you ungrateful assholes seeds in the US. He didn't have to flood us with quality gentics and advance our cause he has/had his own in his own country. I'm puking on my keyboard that this thread exists on anything but a cop webste. Fuck the OP and every poster taking the time to +1 his ass with your hillarious stories of the misfortune of the guys that bring you meds.....honestly fuck you. I mean that for real F-U-C-K you!
I'm not complaining..I'm asking for a simple explanation of what constitutes a fair profit for work needed to grow cannabis. Not fair market value, need to compensated for risk...just production capability's allowed 60 plants, expenses to grow and what the profit should be. You know, to let the grower make a living commensurate with his labor, skill and knowledge. 50k, more? Less? Why is the job worth that amount? really simple things that anyone should be able to communicate.his explaining and your complaining show's who has a better understanding of the buisness.