My final weight


Well-Known Member
So after one more awesome grow. Harvest and cure comes around and I was super happy with this run !! Lemme tell you

So for starters we had 7 plants going.
In 5gal buckets that were only half full (2.5 gal)
Under two 600 w hps
Two got killed because they couldn't hold there own weight way before it close to done .
1 got Harvast first plant right at 8 weeks 3 oz
One more about a week later 3 oz
With three plants left that went two more weeks one got thrown in to a hash pile
The other two finally wound up yielding

6oz a plant
This has been my best so far .
I wonder what we woulda pulled if we were in a full 5 gallon pot

Just wanted to share !!



Well-Known Member
What was your medium? If you ain't going to use the full space, you could fit more plants in there with smaller containers! 6 oz is niccceeeeee:clap:


Well-Known Member
What was your medium? If you ain't going to use the full space, you could fit more plants in there with smaller containers! 6 oz is niccceeeeee:clap:
50/50 perlite vermiculite . I messed up not filling all the way shoulda just gone smaller pots and Biger number .
Next batch I'm doing 7.5 gal (ganna fill them all the way this time lol)
An thanks man I'm pretty happy with it and two zips of hash :)
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Well-Known Member
Doesn't look like 18 ounces, but what do I know. The buds look nice, good work.
Deffinitly not 18 ozs. Only 12 off of two plants . 6 oz each. The third plant went straight to hash.
Idk if it was 6 a plant. One of the two had a bit more but it is what it is. I've been pretty happy with this grow
12oz between two plants is pretty nice