My First 150 Watt HPS Closet Clone Grow HELP


Active Member
Ok So my oldest plant is my Bubblegum X NL#5 clone that is 7 weeks old. Planted in Miracle Grow Soil (the kind that releases nutes for up to 3 months) on March 28th she went to the veg room under 1 26 watt cfl on an 18/6 light schedule. She stayed there until May 2nd when she was about a foot tall and I moved her to flower under my 150 Watt HPS Grow Light. I haven't added any nutes to this plant or any of my plants for that matter and am wondering which ones to use and am worried about burning my babies. This plant is looking alright with yellowing leaves but good signs of flowering. She's in a 6in plastic pot and watered every other day. Today i started misting the bottoms of her leaves to try and help with the yellowing. Any tips or suggestions for helping her health? She is about 18inches tall now and has a lot of budding sites

Then I have my GDP clone that is a month old and vegged 2 weeks and was moved into the cloning room 2 weeks ago on May 2nd along with the other one. In Miracle Grow 6in pot watered every other day, No Nutes but the health of this clone seems a lot better than the Bubblegum X NL#5. I think i accidentally stunted that clone by not transplanting it soon enough but the GDP was done sooner and better. Suggestions?

Also in the Flowering room is a Baba Clone along with a Grapefruit Kush Clone both in Miracle Grow and they were put in on May 2nd no veg time. These are the two shorter plants in the backround of the pictures. Watered Daily planted in clear cups to check root growth.

In My Veg Room I have another Baba and a Grapefruit Kush Clone put into soil May 2nd and am wondering if i should start pumping them with nutes?? Under 1 CFL 26 watt each. And when i transplant them should i stick with MG or switch To FF or another soil?? Lastly I have a Grapefruit Diesel Sativa Clone I am rooting for outdoor and when i transplant what is best to use, MG or FF? And Nutes?
I Have a box of MG Tomatoe Plant food that is 18-18-21 so should i use this on either my vegging or flowering plants?
Thanks for any tips and suggestion s from a medical grower new to the game :joint:



Active Member
I don't know much about soil but you need more phosphorus for flowering.

The leaves will start to yellow towards the end of flowering but I don't think they should be yet. So I would look into adding nutes.


Active Member
I don't know much about soil but you need more phosphorus for flowering.

The leaves will start to yellow towards the end of flowering but I don't think they should be yet. So I would look into adding nutes.
thanks furthur i went out and bought tiger bloom for my flowering ladies and grow big for my vegging.
I also bought liquinox iron and zinc to help correct the yellowing leaves and it says 4 tbs. per gallon and that is easy but it then says water thoroughly around the plant, then water thoroughly after with water. Hears the catch after it reads " Repeat application in 3 months or sooner, if needed"
So has anyone ever used this stuff before and is it saying don't use it regularly? Because i don't want to burn my plant. but on the complete other side of the bottle it reads "Some plants suceptible to these deficiencies will require continuous periodic application during the growing season" So i feel safe but would like a testimonial of use if anyone else has used this stuff


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
im useing the same thing for veg onlyyouwant a higher PK when comes to flowering. and i can helpit don't use any MG bloom product. you will not be happey.


Active Member
Early on only use your ferts every couple of day. The yellow could also be from lack of nitrogen. Yes, they change at the end of life cycle, but I have seen some great plants in full flower with pretty green sun leaves.


Active Member
thanks a lot guys i think with the ferts i have now my plants should start to look better.... and ill post more pics soon


How long after switching to 12/12 should u start to see buds....its day 5 of 12/12 and pistols are everywhere.....first grow so any info will help..oh and yellowing of the lower leaves is lack of nitrogen...had the same problem and added more micro to my nutes and a week later fully green...the ones that are yellow all ready wont recover but the others ones wont be affected. Also my pant seems to be this normal for the first stages of flowering???? On my 5th day..