Well-Known Member
Personally I would add 3.5ml per litre of water for your next feed. You don't need to use your meter, but if you want to you should get an approx. reading of 1.3 EC(ms) or 910 PPM.
Also I would try to get some Ionic soil nutrients, I haven't used the Ionic hydro nutes on soil plants, so I don't know for sure. But I think if your gonna keep her as a mother you would be better off getting the soil type. Oh and Greenmyst is designed for use with the soil formula.
If/when you do start using a hydro system, I will help you out with recommended nutrient strengths, If you need it.
Too be honest my intentions were to get rid of the ionic nutes quickly because I wanted to exchange them for the "Dutch Master" brand, but the company that I had bought it from didnt stock "Dutch Master" & I had the nutesin storage for 6 months so I couldnt return them. I thought my as well use them considering its my first time & Ill probably mess up anyway (& I did...more than once). Do Im just using what I have while I gain a little experience plus I can always use the hydro nutes for the clones which will be grown in RW & clay pebbles.
Thanks again for the lesson