my first 400 watt grow


Well-Known Member
Can't wait to see it happen, I'll be watching.

Peace bro.
me either :) once i get some extra money to spend on the wood, lowe's here i come lol. i already have the screws, i just need to get 4-5 furn strips, and cut to the length for it to be able to drop in and pull out easy. im thinking about 1" smaller for width and depth, with a 2"x4" on each side wall. should a box fan under the air floor be enough air flow so i dont need a fan up top?


Well-Known Member
Yeah I think you should be just fine with just the box fan. That's one of the reasons I set my room up like that was to get rid of a fan blowing across the top of the canopy and that's only because I didn't have the room. The way I got it set up, the air constantly moves from the bottom to the top. When it's lights out I just have it run for 15 min every hour to keep fresh air moving.


Well-Known Member
thats why i like you air floor so much. i want to get rid of the fan blowing across the tops. its not like it takes up allot of space, but its still space, and i have to be careful moving around it so i dont knock it off the wall. its only held up by 1 of those hook things you screw into the wall.

small update: i just put 2 white widow seeds into party cups with coco coir. 1 is just coco coir and some dolomite, and the other is coir and about 25% perlite with some dolomite in it. both seeds were soaked for about 12 hours, and were both at the bottom of the water. i just hope both pop about the same time and soon. and better genetics would be nice besides the retarded 1 i already put into flower the other day.


Well-Known Member
to be honest with you im not sure lol. idk if its to many mix smell from the different plants flowering, or if its because of my sinuses. i asked my ma, and she said she dont know either. she said it just smell like weed lol. someone needs to invent smell-o-vision lol.


Well-Known Member
i think im going to try harder not to try this 1 till its done curing. that way i can get a dry weight from it. i did cut 2 small buds from the middle center. about a gram dry i think, to test :) i just wish she would hurry up and finish already. i noticed last night a bunch of new white hairs on the tops of the cola's. i just hope that doesnt mean its going to be a couple more weeks before she's done. i also cut almost all the main fan leafs off the kannabia and trimmed some of the inner leafs off the lower branches, so just whats at the ends is left. seedlings should be ready to transplants in a week or two into gallon pots. just trying to keep the roots as compact as i can for now.


Well-Known Member
she 3 weeks and going good.

kannabia special clones

the veg box. only using 1 sence i put the last 2 into flower


Well-Known Member
tooks some pix of the pups this morning while waiting for my coffee to brew. looks like 1 of the 2 critical+ is growing 2 mains now instead of 1 :)



Well-Known Member
i bought the mk because i should be able to grow it outdoors here. depending on how short our warm weather decides to stick around each year. i think a buddy of mine got the bubbleicous, thats 1 of the many strain i want to try. id like to grow a couple more of original strains, but they seem hard to find now a days. i see tons of crosses and not many originals.


Well-Known Member
I hear that redrum, Im an old school lover myself, What ever happened to purple haze and northen light eh?


Well-Known Member
hell yea. id like to get some real ak-47, NYCD(i live in the state and cant find it lol), purple haze, purple kush, and the list goes on lol. i did get white widow tho, even tho its probaly not the original ww. where are all the old school breeders go? we need to get their asses out of the retirement home and bring the old school back :)


Well-Known Member
i think thats going to be my plan next year. to search and find a bunch of old school genetics, and make seeds of each strain so i dont have to worry about losing the genetics. or i may start later this year. i never know and can never make up my mind lol. its nice growing under hid and by strain from breeders, instead of bagseeds, and floro's or outdoors.


Well-Known Member
I hear ya bro. It's cold and rainy here too. It's supposed to get in the upper 60's by this weekend though. I can't wait to be able to open all the doors and windows and let all that fresh spring air in.



Well-Known Member
i had both my windows for my room open last night, with a box fan in a window. i even left a window open last night. having a heat issue in my room, instead of my closet lol. i woke up at like 6:30 this morning cold. looked outside and seen snow. i was like WTF its april. i just hope we dont get snow early later this year, if so im screwed. its going to be close for my outdoor plants as it is from when it gets cold here. and i checked my plants a little bit ago. the lph #1 is getting more orange hair :) it needs to finish im almost out of herb, and no unenjoyment soon either.


Well-Known Member
these are my other botanical baby's :) they are a sensitive plant. they move when you touch them :) they dont grow as fast a cannabis but they do live longer. my niece and nephew love them and ask to touch them every time they come over. i'll do a short video on them when they get bigger.
