My First Aero Grow

and here's the cfl box. the plants are growing better than i expected besides the fact that only 3 of them sprouted. Besides those 3 i got a clone growing also. its weird though because theres a couple of white hairs on it like its flowering, you can see in the picture. i also topped one of the plants... we'll see how that goes because i've never done that before. i also never cloned anything before either. i actually cloned it by accident.

when i found the male in my flower box i had a free spot and i had also accidentally broke off the tip of one of the branches. so just for the fuck of it i stuck the piece that i broke off in the empty spot to see what would happen. after a few days i noticed that it wasn't dying, then after about a week or 2 it grew roots. so i planted it.



Active Member
Very cool setup, Love the perputial grow thing, thinking about it myself...How are your Temps with that 150 watt hps?
Good luck ....
Very cool setup, Love the perputial grow thing, thinking about it myself...How are your Temps with that 150 watt hps?
Good luck ....
Thanks man... I dont know exactly what the temp is, i dont have a thermometer... i just give em plenty of ventilation and use my best judgment when adjusting the light and they all have been fine so far. :blsmoke:

i dont do too much to control the temp and humidity... but now that i think about it i should prolly try it... my plants may turn out allot better :weed:
Yesterday in the CFL box i sealed the lid for the aeroponic system with caulk. Once i did that i turned the water pump off for at least 10 hours to let the caulk set.

Tonight i looked in the res and there was chunks of gooey caulk floating around in there. Im kind of worried that maybe a chemical from the caulk will get to my plants and hurt them. If it does oh well they're only 2 weeks old. I dont think anything is gonna happen though because they haven't showed any signs of being unhealthy yet.
Im the kind of guy that likes to experiment with different things :bigjoint: I like to try to do things many different ways. I guess im just curious & like learning new things :confused:

But ne-wayz im gonna try to grow one of the plants that are in the cfl box in a spiral instead of straight up. It would be different. i don't remember ever seeing anybody try anything like this before. Ill be using the tie-down technique, as the plant grows i will tie it down so that the main stem spirals up.

My theory is that with this technique you should get at least double the yield than you would with a straight plant at the same height. Think about it... if you have something in a spiral, when stretched out its gonna be allot taller than that same object in spiral form... so basically there will be allot more main stem at a shorter height :weed:

The only thing that i could think of that might not work so good with this technique is light penetration. With the main stem in a spiral, the leaves in the plant will be very close together which will block light to the lower buds.

So I dont know... we'll find out how it works here soon.

What are your guys thoughts on this??? bongsmilie:eyesmoke:bongsmilie:eyesmoke:bongsmilie
OK here are the pics of what i did to the veg box. Instead of spiraling 1 plant like i said before I am going to spiral 2 plants incase ones a male. So now in my veg box i have 1 clone, 2 spiraling plants, and 1 topped plant. Thats 4 plants... my setup holds seven but when i planted them 3 didnt sprout :cuss: i hate that shit lol. i'ts ok though i have some seeds germinating as we speak... they'll just be a little smaller than the other plants since they got a 2 week late start. lol i aint even gonna lie i was bullshittin for a while on germinating those seeds, they should have been planted last week lol but thats what happens when you smoke weed :eyesmoke: you bullshit.

I got some crazy ideas for the plant that i topped. now i could let it grow by itself but ive already seen a topped plant grow before, i wanna do something crazy and new... Time to experiment. I think i'm gonna leave the clone alone and let it grow by itself; this is my first time working with a clone and i want to see how they grow firsthand. im also just a little bit confused because for some reason my clone is popping out hairs like its flowering but i have it in the veg box. You can see it in the pics. Does anybody know why this might be?



Active Member
Hey Newcastle, Whats going on? Looking good dude. :weed:
That spiral thing sounds pretty cool..great idea on that DIY pegboard, I've got to LST constently...gonna use that idea THANKS..

How did that Hash thing work out? :peace::peace::peace:
Hey Newcastle, Whats going on? Looking good dude. :weed:
That spiral thing sounds pretty cool..great idea on that DIY pegboard, I've got to LST constently...gonna use that idea THANKS..

How did that Hash thing work out? :peace::peace::peace:
the hash wasnt very good at all... it got me a little high with a big headache. but maybe thats because i made it out of trimmings that didnt have any THC on them. ill try it when i cut down the plants it might work then
Wasup... Sorry I haven't been updating but my camera broke so i haven't bothered posting anything. But since it's been so long i thought i should at least tell you how things are going.

The flower box will be done in a week or 2. the buds are getting nice n fat :bigjoint: but i noticed that allot of branches that dont get as much light have smaller buds so i think next time ill put in a few extra cfl's to help the buds grow right.

I just changed the lights to 12/12 in the veg box so i can determine which ones are male or female. by the time i cut down the flower box these ones will b ready to go in.

Hopefully i can get a camera soon so i can show u the buds...