My first attemp at aeroponics.. Grapefruit Kush

Those spots look like the spots that i get from low rh. I would research that before you start trying to correct deficiencies. Try reading about vapor pressure deficit. just my 2 cents

By the way..Subscribed and +rep


Well-Known Member
Don't know what the spots are about on your leaves. It sounds like you are getting things dialed in. You watch, the growth is really going to get going super fast. Your babies are going to grow fast, make sure you get some big zip ties around your net cups, I made the mistake of not doing it and mopped up 10 gallons of water for my mistake...learned though. good luck+rep

Professor Puff.n.Tuff

Active Member
What up guys. I read this post this morning. I am looking for an answer to a question I have.

As for your yellowing spots, I experienced something similar to this when I was wind burning my plants, this was the first sign. I was trying to keep the top of my canopy cool, but needed to have my a/c blowing right on them to compensate for the heat coming from my hps. I raised the light a tad, and installed an oscillating fan. I thought for a while that my mix was too hot, then I thought it was ph, none of that was off, still changed it anyway and found no help.

Also, If you guys want to avoid the clogging your misters - remove them. Provided your pump will still get water to all the holes once some of the pressure is taken off, the holes in your pvc pipe will provide all the water your plants can absorb. Your roots are long enough to reach the outsides of the netted pots and bottom of your trays so you dont need the mist to moisten things anymore. I have been growing with an areoponics 24 site for a while now, I like it a lot. One of the first modifications i made to it was to eliminating the chance of clogged misters to ensure all my plants were getting water.

Also because of the type of system you are using your plants will have plenty of oxygen in the air without turning your pumps off. I run my pump 24/7 as well... This makes sure that your plants are absorbing all the nutes they want when they want. I would recommend, if you dont already have one, get an air pump from the pet store. You can get one for 15 or 20 bucks this will ensure that your water always stays oxygenated.

Things look great, you seem like the type that pays close attention, you will make a good indoor grower, keep it up...


Active Member
Hey professor thanks for the suggestions! I had an oscillating fan that blew right on the plants as it turned. The smaller plants aren't showing any spots so maybe it was the fan. I may pull out the sprayers but then wouldn't that just be NFT instead of aero, not that it matters. If the fan thing doesn't make it better then I am going to up the ppm of my res a couple hundred points, my ppm is at 1330.


Those ppms sound a little high for veg. I burn mine over 1000 in veg. But that is just my system or strains.


Active Member
The plants seem to be handling that ppm alright. My water is 450 by itself. The leaves aren't bird clawing or anything. I am going to switch to flowering this Saturday when I change the res, I will post more pics then.

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
The plants seem to be handling that ppm alright. My water is 450 by itself. The leaves aren't bird clawing or anything. I am going to switch to flowering this Saturday when I change the res, I will post more pics then.

Holy FUCK!!! 450 ppm water, sounds like a major issue to me.


Active Member
Yea I know that is really high so I purchased a bunch of RO water to split my tap water and bring the ppm down to around 200. I will be changing my res tomorrow so that is when I am going to use the RO.


Active Member
OK so I changed my res today and changed the light from a MH to a HPS and 12on 12 off. I also added a trellis to help support them as they grow. I have started my flowering nutes and so far everything is going good. Today is three weeks since planting, here are some new pics.



Be careful not to over water them now that they are in flower. At night they dont need as much water so the timer is more important now. They are going to start stretching on you now. Keep em goin.


Active Member
Hey I am worried I vegged for too long if they get bigger than twice their size I am going to have some problems, my tent is only 6'5". My timer is set for 30min on and 30min off does this sound too long for the night period? I will for sure keep up the posts with new pics every week.

Professor Puff.n.Tuff

Active Member
at most they will double, count more on 3/4 of their size. if you need to, slightly at a time to avoid stress, bend them to keep them away from the heat of the light. within a couple days they will be headed straight up for the light again.

They look great in the pics


Good to see a local SD head here. The lil ones look good. I would highly second the need for a timer. PM me if you need one. I am in PB and prolly have a few of them just laying around. You are more than welcome to a couple of them.


Active Member
Today I spotted a little spot of powdery mildew on a bottom leaf on one of the plants! I made it so my exhaust fan runs 24-7 to try and stop the problem, previously it was running only when the light was on. Is there another way to stop this?

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Just don't have stagnant air. Keep it moving. Besides the exhaust fan have a fan circulating the air in the room too. What was the RH when lights were off?


Active Member
My hygrometer just registered a reading of "HIGH" for the upper end and in the low 30s for the low. The reason I had the fan run only when the lights were on was because it is a 400CFM fan in a 4x4x6.5 tent, it sucks in the sides of the tent and the plants at the end are smashed right up against the walls and I didn't want moisture to get stuck in between the leaves. Hopefully with all of the extra air flow that wont be a problem.