my first attempt - 2010 outdoor grow!!! @@@


Active Member
It really isnt.... you dont really NEED all that shit to produce good QUALITY smoke.... just a little TLC!

I used a shed outside in November (granted I was living in Cali at the time) and lined it with visqueen to help with temp control....had a little vent over head and opened it when I needed to it usually never got below16 C at night so no worries!


Active Member
what if i were to put it in a pure dark attic? about 100 degrees.. may get to 120 or more, not sure. maybe like 90 lol


Active Member
thats a little too high unless you like really crispy buds.....try around 70 - 75 with 40% great bout 9 days your fekn ready!


Active Member
but i live in an extremely hot climate. maybe if i just keep them in my room? i don't let it get over 80, but sometimes below it gets to 50-60


Active Member
i 008.jpgi 009.jpgi 005.jpgi 001.jpgi 004.jpgi 006.jpgi 002.jpgi 003.jpgi 007.jpg

1st pic - baby burnt bagseed.
2nd pic - master kush sprout
3rd pic - top 3 cups, left to right = early durban, purple widow, white widow. bottom 3 cups, left to right = sour cream, sharkbreath, top 44
4th pic - not sure, lol
5th pic - a pretty nice bagseed, lovin her so far :D
6th pic - baby walkabout strain, don't think it will survive as it seems to be infected with ants. lol dam ants.
7th pic - my hand, and sour cream :)
8th pic - baby ice strain
9th pic - papaya which may not survive :/


Active Member
Not bad.... some of your pictures are a little blurry and hard to see though bro... other than that you doing fine....are you germinating your seed in the ground or what bro?


Well-Known Member
subscribed Cord! Wana see how this grow turns out :D And im gonna do a purple widow grow too , heard nothing but good things about that strain ! peace


Active Member
alright alright. little update.
all is doing well.. just many little issues. lol.
Ice is nice and healthy, master kush has only 1 baby leaf, and extremely fat not so healthy looking baby fan leaves. Papaya never had any baby leafs, and is growing very slow. Walkabout is sooo healthy with some real fatty leaves, AND bubblelicious finally popped up, but.. i pulled it out thinking it was some other type of plant. It didn't look like marijuana any way at all, it just looked like a green sprout thing.. until i seen the stem :(. purple widow and white widow are healthy, sharkbreath and sour cream are the furthest in their growing process. Early durban sprouted yesterday, has a very fat stout stem. That's about it. Pics tomorrow!