Wow. Seems like forever since i've logged on. Something extremely strange happened today. I went to work this morning at 8, checked on the ladies right before I left, and everything was normal. I got home at 3, and like everyday, first thing I do is check the girls. Off the bat, I did not see the beam of cfl glow from the bottom of the closet. I thought maybe the lights had shorted the outlet. I opened the door and the plants had been halfway dug up, and laying on their sides. Now, I live alone, and no one, except for you cool dudes, knows about the girls. The closet door was still shut when I got home, and all the house doors and windows were locked. It blew my mind, I have no idea what could have happened. This is one for CSI, lol.
Anyway, here's a rundown of the past 9 days. The brown spots turned out to what I believe is nute burn. Definatly fertilized too soon. Also, I was watering a little too frequently for the size of the plants, that is now corrected though. The one thing that seems to be getting me is the lights. The plants keep growing different directions, hopefully I can get it corrected. The plants are looking by far their worst, thanks to the mystery garden invader. I was worried about the plants even surviving. After I carefully repotted the plants, the plants began to wilt and look rough, however they now look to have rebounded. Heres some pictures, sorry for the wait in the update.