My first attempt at growing


Well-Known Member
4 X 5 is great for a 600, you'll have 2 overlaps too.

Whats the spacing of the plant sites ?? do you have to flower right away, no veg.


Well-Known Member
the plant sites are about 1 1/4" apart. I dont have to go str8 to flower but I was thinking that if I veged them I would quickly have space issues. still a rookie though so I dont really know.


Well-Known Member
I'd keep'em small, I think my 18in lolly pops would be nice in there.
2X4 trays right.
32 in a 2x4 thats a lot, my 2X4 aero lid only hold 15 plants and that was tight.

Nice units,pro.


Well-Known Member
ugh well long story but I will be growing for someone else to begin, but will scale down and just have a fam/friend grow eventually..


Well-Known Member
I'd keep'em small, I think my 18in lolly pops would be nice in there.
2X4 trays right.
32 in a 2x4 thats a lot, my 2X4 aero lid only hold 15 plants and that was tight.

Nice units,pro.
yea when you say that it seems that way, but when i look at it, it looks like it has plenty room.. but I honesty dont know! lol Ok now for the rookie question, what is lolipopping? I have seen it here many times but never asked what it is all about.


Well-Known Member
Strip the bottom 1/3 of branches, makes for a nice cola, SOG no light reaches the bottom of the plant, see my little plants from my harvest,wait, here's today's victims.
This is about as close as I can pack'em in.



Well-Known Member
ahhhh ok so I will deff want to be doing this!! I think looking at yours that I will have plenty of room. with a inch and a quarter between each net pot, seems it would be enough room to me.. guess we will see...

so what is your olympic viewing today?


Well-Known Member
where is the race today? I thought it was only southern rednecks that watched the left turn circuit.. whats a cali boy doing loving neckcar?


Well-Known Member

IDK, I like the bump and grind of nascar.
Watched it for a long time.
Other race cars can't really touch each other, nascar if you don't move, someone will move you.
Turn him around, put him in to the wall.MUHAHA


Well-Known Member
I hear ya! its about the only kind of car racing I can watch... a sirius radio talk show host I listen to is way into nascar so I hear a lot from him and tend to check it out from time to time.. I have to admit on my big ass tv with hd its pretty impressive.