My first attempt at vertical

Green Troll

Active Member
Hey guys,

I am trying something new, a vertical grow. Now i noticed you guys class vertical as bare bulb or cool tube around plants growing either normally or LST'd, but i will be using rockwool slabs (designed for vertical use) to grow the plants...well, horizontally haha. Details of my setup are in the link in my signature, but basically 600w cool tube surrounded by vertical slabs.

I just wanted to get your feedback on this method, i want to see if any of you have tried it, what happened, maybe link me to a journal or a thread, give me some tips, stuff to look out for or avoid, etc etc. I will be very conscious of air flow problems with such a high number of plants, and will try my best to avoid mold issues, as i think this will be my greatest problem. But please feel free to add anything you want, i would be grateful.

Thank guys.

Green Troll

Active Member
Don't buy one haha, they are MUCH cheaper to build. For that price, i could buy a 3D printer and print one xD

Prawn Connery

Well-Known Member
Reminds of a similar grow I saw on OG many years ago. Can't remember the grower's name, but it was the same principle: except instead of using rockwool slabs, he used vertical PVC piping with little elbows coming out at 45 degrees and small cups full of rockwool flock squeezed into the elbows. It was his first attempt at vertical growing and he burnt the shit out of his grow because it was that successful that it grew into the lights and he hadn't left enough room, thinking his plants wouldn't grow that big, lol!

He still got a good yield out of it. I think he was growing C99. Wish I could remember his name . . .

Good to see people starting to think vertical - in all its shapes and forms. It's taken a few years, but people are finally starting to realise the benefits.

Good luck! (From one green troll to another, LOL!)

Green Troll

Active Member
Reminds of a similar grow I saw on OG many years ago. Can't remember the grower's name, but it was the same principle: except instead of using rockwool slabs, he used vertical PVC piping with little elbows coming out at 45 degrees and small cups full of rockwool flock squeezed into the elbows. It was his first attempt at vertical growing and he burnt the shit out of his grow because it was that successful that it grew into the lights and he hadn't left enough room, thinking his plants wouldn't grow that big, lol!

He still got a good yield out of it. I think he was growing C99. Wish I could remember his name . . .

Good to see people starting to think vertical - in all its shapes and forms. It's taken a few years, but people are finally starting to realise the benefits.

Good luck! (From one green troll to another, LOL!)
I have seen that, i think that was inspired by Heath Robinsons PVC pipe grow. I thought at the time it was a little OTT but whatever works. PVC waste pipe like that is not cheap haha. I was myself going to copy Heath's PVC flooded pipe set up, but i decided it would be too damn noisy and epicly bad if it leaked! I wanted something i could contain in a tent, so after looking at various set ups, i decided this is the best for me. I am a little anxious as this is my first rockwool grow as well as first vertical, but i suppose the worst that can happen is i lose 64+ plants in one shot....depressing!

But you do not know unless you try. If it fails though, i am going to have to wait a loooong time for my 3 mothers to grow back enough for another set of 100 cuttings.