my first attempt @ BHO

looks like some tasty erl. How much buddah did you run and how mush oil did you get total? go to the store and get parchment paper, you can put it on there and it wont absorb into it or find a small piece of glass you can keep it on. I dont really think it ever goes bad. You dont need a rig either, rub a lil of that golden shit onto a j paper, roll up some dank and enjoi :D just be catious itll hit you hard and put you on ur ass. Hope i helped
could not add rep -wait

but yes does help me to get sorted out
so i guess whut you be sayin is it dont stay around long enough to go bad
yeah i made a little ball poped on top of a pipe load
seems no bad way to do it

much respect
good karma to you and yours bro
Doesn't look like you vac sealed it at all or anything, looks great for first try though nice. Read up on it a bit, tons of things you can do to change the texture/tastes
you put the wax in some paper and put ot under pressure, the proper stuff to do it (no DIY) makes it pretty pricy tho, id rather whip and pop the bubbles under some heat
I store my saps in a dish, covered with parchment, in a otter box. Always keep outta direct sunlight and heat and you should be good!! Don't know how long it can store really cause i always vape mine up and make mo!!
Doesn't look like you vac sealed it at all or anything, looks great for first try though nice. Read up on it a bit, tons of things you can do to change the texture/tastes

I see tons of threads and maybe I missed the "tutorial", but I actually need the:
1.) get this stuff...
2.) do this stuff to it...,etc. got links? :)

I'll keep readin'
whut it comes down to is gotta orda yo shit an try it
nutin to it but to do it

go to extract section below
watch sum vids
keep everyh thing on ice too. GL ive fucked up so many extractions.... its a learning exp. not really that you watch and learn you have to do it first hand to be any good at it.

and btw dwezel i dont know if i said it yet but your stuff did look AWESome. keep up the good work