my first basic grow room!! tell me what you guys think?? mahalo


Hey guys an gals,
just started up my first grow room closet style in a soil medium, using 1 400w high pressure sodium 12/12, 2 plants, 2 fans for ventilation. I been feeding em wit earth juice, & bloom. The temp in my room is roughly between 75-80 degrees through out light & sleep cycle, is this good or bad?? humidity unknown?? Ive been feeding the plants depending on the total weight of pot?? between 3-7 days, any suggestions?? the Ph of my tap water is between 6.8-7.0, do i need to lower the ph because of soil?? i measure the mixture before feeding too. hmmm, other than that they both are looking happy and healthy. Cheers


Well-Known Member
I would try to get the light closer to the plants personally. As long as you can put your hand between the light and plant and it isn't "too" hot, you are all good. More intense light on the plant = bigger nuggets.

Looking good otherwise.


Active Member
Looks good! Your temp is perfect, I like a 77 temp, but mine always seems to hover at 84. Damn So Cal heat! I lower my PH to 6.0 but my buddy just runs his through and he seems to have no problems. I'm kinda picky. Make sure to let the water sit for 24 hours before feeding. It's supposed to let the clorine evaporate, but some people say this doesn't work. Again I err on the cautious side. Plants look awesome and enjoy!:weed::weed::weed:


Active Member
looking good - the lights might could get a little closer but dont go by that " hand and too hot " thing unless your gonna keep it there for 12 hours - its like laying in the sun - imagine a few seconds vs. a few hours .... and you get what I mean ... looking pretty healthy ... good job so far - hold the course ... good luck :clap:


thanks for the tips,
i might move the light a link or two lower, but i mist the plants every now and then, just alittle weary of the mist making contact with the light. I forgot to mention that im using a Co2 candle that i light during the day time hours for bout 30-40mins with 1-2hour intervals?? I try to keep the airflow fresh, and turn the lower fan down to let the plants soak the Co2. Any ideas?? also have a candle too? Any tips with watering?? Ive read a few techniques, finger test, total weight of pot?? so far its been fine, but not so sure about quantity of feed?? I mix a solution consisting of 2 ltrs water(room temp) 10mls of Super bloom solution, 1 ml of earth juice. Havent been using Catalyst?? ph after mixture was 6.8.


Active Member
a Co2 candle ... hmm ... I need to google this ... didnt know about these.That could be beficicial for sure - does it put off the Co2 from something internal or just make a little like any normal candle .. i'm curious now - gotta do some research ......


yeah, its a candle that dispenses co2 when lit. There is a photo of it above next to the tiki candle. Ive also read that candles give off co2 as well but at a small rate. Sometimes il light both at the same time, just cause the both candles also give the room warmth.


oh yeah, since CO2 is heavier than Oxygen, make sure you have your candle above the plants giving them maximum benefit!!


looking great just in the process of my new setup its now very similar to yours after my last one fucked up n took my plant out :) will start a dairy soon so would appreciate it if you check it out give me some feedback.

Wow, I never knew there were candles that emitted Co2, sweet!

That's a nice grow you got going drastic1, thinking about expanding anytime soon?


Howzit peeps!!! Jus some updated photos of my two fine wahines(ladies) As you can see, there has been alot of positve progress with these 2! They both are looking pretty happy and healthy as of now! I have adjusted the Co2 candle, so that it is above both plants. You can see the candle held in a plastic container and bamboo(does not affect light frm reachin plants). I light it in intervals. Ive been really enjoying seeing them both fill out into pretty sticky dense buds!! The one on the right has been going off!! But, i have a feeling the one on the left is gona be the thickest out of the two. Anyways, 1love an happy planting.



for sure bigjay, post some pics up so i can have take a look. but yeah, i have a pretty simple setup, would luv to give you some feedback on what has been working for me..


I have 13 plants in 10 3.75" net pots (I have constructed a bubbler which for me is so simple) and I'm sure when I put to flower this weekend I will end up pulling a few male plants. IF you have never done this type before you would NOT believe how FAST they grow...I literally pushed (bag seed) into pea gravel on June 16th and they had sprouted the 17th and I have been LST'ing them, I have fimmed, topped, pinched, and tied down to force more colas, my grow literally covers the top of a 30 gal tote which is approx 24"X42" and this looks like the covering you would see in your garden at home used as ground cover, but mine is approx 7" tall, thick, lush, green mat with MANY shoots going straight up, lights are floros and LED's for total watts of over 500. To have this with soil it would have taken me over 2 and a half months, and I'm going to flower (from seed mind you) in a very short 5 weeks....