My first bong!


Well-Known Member
[Lucas];2373260 said:
How do you like the pc growcase? I've been saying I am going to buy one for the last 2 years. I got the funds to do it just everytime I get around to doing it, I just get sketched out being I haven't really seen a good start to finish grow log with one.
I like it, it is small and stealth.

My plants grow better in here than they do outdoors.

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
jeez........ First bong I used was a Tobacco Master... anyone remember those? that was like about 20 years ago.. Ive been stricktly a glass-bong user for the last 15 years or so
I have to appologize fror my post. I was being arrogant and I shouldn't have been. I know I still have a lot to learn too. I'm sorry Whulkamania.


Well-Known Member
i think yor bong is dumb and you are even dumber for buying that contraption. im not much for words but damn i just had to reply

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Yeah Tobacco Masters are a hard plastic straight clear bong with curved mouthpiece and red stem... They actually hit very nice and have been around for a long time. Im in my 30s and I bought one my sophmore year in HS and it was over 70 bucks back then.... they are actually really nice. But, these days I only use glass bongs....