My First Bud Plant!

dr0 SmOkA

ok, so i'm in my room, looking for any spare change i can find so i can go get some smokage, and at some point, i say to myself, wtf am i doing??? :wall:

why dont i just grow my own bud?

so i grabbed like 7 healthy looking white seeds that were from my last sack, threw em in a pot, watered em, then left it outside for about 4 days, and of those 7, 1 sprouted! :-o

i have no idea how to grow bud, but i made my own little set up after watching Ready, Set, Grow!

I have this growing light that we got from home depot like, a year ago. i have no idea if it will actually work

anyways, heres my own lil grow journal!

i'll be putting up pics of the set up and all that in a couple days

feel free to comment!

dr0 SmOkA

lol thanks dude!

man i wish i can find my camera!

its like, an inch already! :P

2 little tiny leaves are growing out of the bigger roundish leaves, ahh! cant wait to smoke this haha

i just hope it turns out to be female....

i heard if the seeds are white theres more of a chance that it will be?

dr0 SmOkA

ok so i took a few pictures of my lil set up....

You can see in Pic 1 that im using a fish tank with aluminum along side the glass, and of course the light i have for it....

Pic 2 shows whats inside the fish tank, which is a pot with an itty bitty plant inside :D

Pic 3 and Pic 4 are just different angles i took of the plant...

and Pic 5 is the light which i am using.....

this is only a temporary set up... if and when its gets bigger, ill more than likely get rid of the fish tank and put it in bigger pot.....

NOW! first off, does anybody recognize the type of light that i am using? its called Spot Grow and its made by Sylvania....

If so, does it actually work????

i have it hooked up to a timer that is currently set to 18 hours on and 6 hours off. when i think its ready to start flowering im gonna set it to 12 hours on and 12 hours off....

I water it every other day, giving it some miracle grow every other watering... will this method work???

any advice helps :)



Well-Known Member
i would avoid using any nutes on it till its got at least a few sets of leaves (not including the little round ones that are the first to show). it also looks like u might be using MG soil, and if thats the case u really don't need to give it much of anything in the way of nutrients for a while since the MG soil has them mixed in. also, careful with your watering because you can overwater seedlings pretty easily which will rot the roots and then there isn't really much you can do. just poke a finger down into the soil and if it feels damp don't water it yet. as for your light, it should be ok for now, personally i think a CFL would do you better, but i wouldn't worry too much until its a little bigger.