My First CFL Closet Grow, let me know what you think.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
they look like a stativa strain, i might be wrong, but most sativas, the buds just dont get real fat, just long skinny buds on the main colas. thats what i have going on now with mine. from now on, im gonna make sure i use mostly indica strains, LoL. but your girls do look real nice.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
i thought it was becuase of the lack of nitrogen during flowering? with the flowering nute being so low in nitrogen. in reading through the plant guide just now, i see where it said it could be P lockout because of to much N or mag during flowering, that makes sence.
well i have stopped the leaf drop fairly simply i added a little of the veg nutes to the bloom nutes and it seemed to work think my bloom nutes were lacking a little now i c why everyone says to use the three gallon jug method where u have three seperate jugs one with veg nutes one with bloom nutes and one with a mix of the two i think i'm gonna try it next time lol and thanks for the advice awsome and thanks i hope thats all it is lol

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
see, thats why i dont like saying anything about nutes, for me, its the hardest part of growing to be able to read your babies and what they want, or dont want.
yeah it sure is it seems like just a little of the wrong thing has such a drastic effect on the plants but..... im getting better next grow should be much's hoping,lol and thanks for all the positive feed back :leaf::weed:


Well-Known Member
hey man, good job on your first grow. the only other thing that cones to mind about bud size is the PH level of the water. If it's not in the sweet spot (6-7) it'll have trouble absorbing the nutes. what's your ph?
i have no idea don't have a meter yet plan to get that for the next grow this was just a test but i was thinking the same thing also, ive found that the feeding and watering schedule and just basically how you grow MJ is VERY similar to tomato plants which i also grow lol
but i will look into getting a meter as soon as i get paid and i'll get back to you on that btw my water is spring water from a well way up in the mountains but i'm not sure if all the farms in the area affect the water with thier chemicals or not?
hey quick question to everyone out there i'm three weeks to harvest when should my last feeding and watering be week 6 starts on the 29th, i was thinking 29th last feeding water only till week 7 and nothing till harvest any thoughts?
Well Lady #2 the little lady got harvested today at the instruction of a friend and fellow grower here it is ill let you know dry wight after cure lady #1 harvest in 3 weeks btw it took forever to manicure the buds i started at 4pm just before the lights came on and finished at 11 pm long job but worth it i quick dryed some of the little popcorn buds and i was stoned as hell and the taste wasn't all that bad ither but i still cant wait to see how it tastes and how high it gets me after the dry and cure mmmm mmm mmmmmmmmm!!!!! stay tuned for cure and harvest #2 i estimate a little over an once from the little plant once dryed what do you think?