My first CFL grow!!!


Well-Known Member
i havnt updated in awhile . but here are some pics of the girls. can you tell me if you think my close ups show female sex on my largest one. i have benn doing 12 12 for 5 days now . each morning im like wow!!!



Well-Known Member
She looks great man, i dont see any signs of sex, they can take up to 14 days, she will show soon :weed:


Active Member
im here for you dude. your plants look great and pic 6 of 8 looks like it has 4 really nice tops, hope its female


Well-Known Member
thanks guys! so ya i know now that there will be white pistols . mine were green and not the right ones. lol . but i wanna know do the pistols come out of something that grows first ? and if its a male how small are the balls . the reason asking is cuz today i see some type of new growth were the pistols should come . but its to little for me to tell. im going to wait till tomorrow to put a pic of what i see .


Well-Known Member
I am very curious as to the density of the buds.
I have heard nothing but hate talk about the buds CLFs produce.


Well-Known Member
so here is the update . i have 2 females for sure . they little guy has no sign yet. today is day 10 of 12/12 i have used NO nutes yet and will not for a little while .How long after sex do they say before you can use blooming nutes?.but here are the pics. 1-is the med girl side view
2- med girl top view
3- biggest girl 4- same just top view
5 largest plant pistol
6 med size plant pistols !! nice!
7more pistols on the med plant.
i got no pics of the runt . when it shows sex ill have a pic of her. please i want lots of comments!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
They look great man, good to kno you got a couple females going :weed:

I start my bloom nutes right when i switch to 12/12


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3759259]They look great man, good to kno you got a couple females going :weed:

I start my bloom nutes right when i switch to 12/12[/QUOTE] did yours turn female or ?
Great grow man! Glad to see another CFL is doing well..!!

Check mine out and let me know whatcha think? i have 4 going right now just 1 is around day 16ish i think others are babies! :)

Keep it up brotha!