My first cfl grow.


Just a quick update, day 14 for bagseed, day 13 for northern light blue, day 12 for biodiesel automass. Only watered every second lights on, 200ml per plant.



Well-Known Member
Cheers tare, i knew i had that problem soon as i potted, is your advice still usable? Keep topping the soil up to about 1/4 inch before the first leaves?
Won't hurt a bit!;-)
The only reason I mentioned it, is because your plant could have been using the extra soil UNDER for room for root growth, but adding will not hurt.


Oryt all, just bought a full new setup, tent, 2 600w hps, filter, fan everything so guna be growing with the hps in the next few days, but here is a few pics taken today, northern light blue-day 19 bag seed-day 20 and biodiesel automass day 18, suddenly came to life and shot up in growth over night,



Just took a close look at the autoflower, and it's just showed its sex within the last 8 hours, pleased to say she's a girl, happy days, will upload pics once lights on tonight.


Right on man, I just sold a bit, and recouped the money for my lights and stuff, so I'm basically even for now.:clap:
Good to hear my friend, are you still growing with cfls? I'm doing the switch 30th of this month, all plants will have been vegged for 4 weeks, just bought 10 seeds from royal queen seeds, 5 creamatic, 5 auto cheese, and got 3 auto ak47 for free since I spent over £70, very fast delivery to say they came from Amsterdam, they even chucked in a free grinder and some skins, if all go's well I will never go elsewhere for my seeds. Good to hear from you tare, hope your high and well fella.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, but I think it's like 30 times before you can go back.
I just topped bofem's today, maybe take pics tomorrow.:clap:
I used to have a chart for rep, and another for the ranking rating, but I just looked, and think it must have been in the folder I fucked up and deleted the other day.:wall:


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, but I think it's like 30 times before you can go back.
I just topped bofem's today, maybe take pics tomorrow.:clap:
I used to have a chart for rep, and another for the ranking rating, but I just looked, and think it must have been in the folder I fucked up and deleted the other day.:wall:
Hammer, please excuse him, he suffers from Alzheimer's. :roll::lol:


Here are some pics as promised, heads been up me arse last few days, hence the delay.. Making the switch tonight, today is day 25 for bagseed, 24 for northern blue and 23 for automass which is shooting pistils left right and centre, and just starting to see the bud spots, now it's time to work out what nutes to give etc, I have some basic NPK 8-8-8 was wondering if this would be suffice? Quarter dose to start, any info or advice is greatly appreciated, hint hint Baka.. Haha.

