My first clones neglected over christmas. Help


I was away last week for christmas, I had a close friend watch my garden, but he did not water my Clones which are now 12 days since cut from mom.
They were watered on the 20th and dry till the 25th.
they are starting to root but the leaves are yellow.
Will they survive?


Well-Known Member
dont think its your friends fault.should raise clones in rw cubes or perlite,verm mix, not straight into soil.


Active Member
those are salvageable!! trim off those dead leaves, mist with some diluted and ph'd thrive alive green or some liquid karma, and keep the humidity levels high... they should be fine... keep an eye on them...


dont think its your friends fault.should raise clones in rw cubes or perlite,verm mix, not straight into soil.
they are in peat pellets.
next time i will raise them in rock wool or I just built a bucket cloner.


Thanks, I hope I can salvage them...
Should I just keep misting them in the humidity dome till they show roots through the peat pellets? or should I transplant them now? They are showing some root growth, but nothing through the peat pellets.


Active Member
Wouldn't spray them to much they will rot just keep the humidity up high as ya can and they should be alright. I just tried to clone in them peat pellets about 12 days ago and I personally don't care for them my humidity stays at 80% and all but 2 died and they aren't lookin that good really slow rooting in them don't know why. Peace


Should they be getting neuts yet? they are all but dead now. their growth tips are still green, but leaves are yellow and dying.