Active Member
Okay im going to see if i can keep a journal on my grow and possibly provide pictures but i never stick with anything for too long so lets just hope this goes from start to finish. I know alot more than its going to seem but i just dont have the money and experience for this grow and i have over 500 bagseeds sorted by quality so im going to do some experimenting first. So im running right now i think 11, 3 week old sprouts under 5 or 6, 30w flourescent. I cant be 100% sure right now since the lights are off and i dont want to go fuck around. Either way the room is pretty airtight which i know isnt too good but i will be providing C02 when they get a bit bigger, and i open the door up to 4 times a day plus they have a fan going on them. Walls are painted with mylar and its actually a really nice set up i just need new lamps and some ventilation. Im using miracle grow soil as it was the only soil available at the time but i have mixed it with a bit of some vermiculite and perlite and its holding water great, im using regular water by the way... not sink water, i get the water before it hits the water softener so its "au naturale" no extra salts just the regular minerals, not sure of the ph im not too worried anyway im not expecting to get anything too amazing. So i kinda went a step ahead of myself and planted too many to fit the room and the decision of choosing which ones to keep would be harsh. I mean come on everything deserves a life.... so i decided to just keep all them and plant them from the mini shot glass solo cups to some 3 gallon pots where they will stay til harvest. Im doing a very quick sea of green so i hope the roots have enough room until the time comes to chop them down. The miracle grow is pre-ferted and suprisingly for these little sprouts they havent shown a single bit of burn so i figure they could run off these nutrients..... lets say a month and a half and then i bought some rose food (again the only thing available) but then again the rose food has alfalfa, blood meal, bone meal, guano, etc... pretty much every essential thing. I cant be sure of the ratios though but any questions and suggestions will be answered and taken into consideration so please help me out! Thank you all and wish me luck, i will post high quality pictures soon.