My first closet grow, any help very much appreciated! :)


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Okay im going to see if i can keep a journal on my grow and possibly provide pictures but i never stick with anything for too long so lets just hope this goes from start to finish. I know alot more than its going to seem but i just dont have the money and experience for this grow and i have over 500 bagseeds sorted by quality so im going to do some experimenting first. So im running right now i think 11, 3 week old sprouts under 5 or 6, 30w flourescent. I cant be 100% sure right now since the lights are off and i dont want to go fuck around. Either way the room is pretty airtight which i know isnt too good but i will be providing C02 when they get a bit bigger, and i open the door up to 4 times a day plus they have a fan going on them. Walls are painted with mylar and its actually a really nice set up i just need new lamps and some ventilation. Im using miracle grow soil as it was the only soil available at the time but i have mixed it with a bit of some vermiculite and perlite and its holding water great, im using regular water by the way... not sink water, i get the water before it hits the water softener so its "au naturale" no extra salts just the regular minerals, not sure of the ph im not too worried anyway im not expecting to get anything too amazing. So i kinda went a step ahead of myself and planted too many to fit the room and the decision of choosing which ones to keep would be harsh. I mean come on everything deserves a life.... so i decided to just keep all them and plant them from the mini shot glass solo cups to some 3 gallon pots where they will stay til harvest. Im doing a very quick sea of green so i hope the roots have enough room until the time comes to chop them down. The miracle grow is pre-ferted and suprisingly for these little sprouts they havent shown a single bit of burn so i figure they could run off these nutrients..... lets say a month and a half and then i bought some rose food (again the only thing available) but then again the rose food has alfalfa, blood meal, bone meal, guano, etc... pretty much every essential thing. I cant be sure of the ratios though but any questions and suggestions will be answered and taken into consideration so please help me out! Thank you all and wish me luck, i will post high quality pictures soon.


Oh by the way you should never start your seed when your closet is not 100% done and tested but anyway your stuff will work u seemed to have read alot, this forum is great! Regardless of my own experience, MG soil with slow diffuse nutes in it will provide you with all your veg period nutes so dont put extra u might burn the plant, and before u use the soil many growers say its better to flush it twice before planting the sprout, like that u will be even more safe of burning your lil plant, for your choice of what sprout you are gonna keep you should keep the one that the seed germinate the faster, a slow germination is sometime the sign of a bad strain, sorry for my poor english by the way and i hope i help you a bit


Oh and by the way if your only growing a couple of plant u dont really need CO2 it wont make a difference tell us more about your closet the size? peace out


Active Member
Oh by the way you should never start your seed when your closet is not 100% done and tested but anyway your stuff will work u seemed to have read alot, this forum is great! Regardless of my own experience, MG soil with slow diffuse nutes in it will provide you with all your veg period nutes so dont put extra u might burn the plant, and before u use the soil many growers say its better to flush it twice before planting the sprout, like that u will be even more safe of burning your lil plant, for your choice of what sprout you are gonna keep you should keep the one that the seed germinate the faster, a slow germination is sometime the sign of a bad strain, sorry for my poor english by the way and i hope i help you a bit
My closet was actually done and previously tested but this is my first actual recorded and best attempted indoor grow so far, and im watching for signs of nute burn and so far i have had none. One of my plants turned a little yellow upon transplant but it didnt seem to be from burn so i thought it could just be stress. I will def keep the flushing tip in mind I didnt think of that before but will definitely keep it in mind for my next grow, but i was thinking instead to just use coco. I have heard nothing but good things i will prob also switch up to a nice 400 watt hps setup, with better vents. My germination was very quick actually some it took only a day or two others it took up to 5 but i only had about 2 not germinate and one had obvious cracks in the shell. And your english was fine, i had no problem understanding it! Thanks for the tips, i will be back with pictures and dimensions of the room asap.


thing with coco is that it help the soil to stay moist, im at my very first attempt but im pretty serious about it. i used 70% pre-mix organic soil with 30% coco, it was sold to me like a small pellet that you have to add water to it and it gets 7 time bigger, i hope it works ill be growing masterKush , my closet is 2x2x4 tall and ill add pic tonight , i invite you to follow my journal if im not burn enough to stop keepin it update! peaceout


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thing with coco is that it help the soil to stay moist, im at my very first attempt but im pretty serious about it. i used 70% pre-mix organic soil with 30% coco, it was sold to me like a small pellet that you have to add water to it and it gets 7 time bigger, i hope it works ill be growing masterKush , my closet is 2x2x4 tall and ill add pic tonight , i invite you to follow my journal if im not burn enough to stop keepin it update! peaceout

Yeah ive been hearing good things about the coco, i need somebodies help though. I want to upgrade my room to a 400w HPS and grow 6 big plants, i dont have vents currently although it is a nice sized room do you think it would be a fire hazard? If so how can i prevent it from being a fire hazard? i have a normal oscilating fan at the moment, same dimensions from before, its a little more than 3 ft wide... 3 feet in depth and about 6 feet high. I was thinking about just using grow bags and getting seeds from a well trusted distributor. Any tips on a good soil mix and the best light to use in this room setup would be awesome....


Active Member
Yeah ive been hearing good things about the coco, i need somebodies help though. I want to upgrade my room to a 400w HPS and grow 6 big plants, i dont have vents currently although it is a nice sized room do you think it would be a fire hazard? If so how can i prevent it from being a fire hazard? i have a normal oscilating fan at the moment, same dimensions from before, its a little more than 3 ft wide... 3 feet in depth and about 6 feet high. I was thinking about just using grow bags and getting seeds from a well trusted distributor. Any tips on a good soil mix and the best light to use in this room setup would be awesome....



Ishh, theres always a little firwhazard if you dont know much about electricity. If i were you i would buy a plexyglass sheet and isolate the hps lamp from the rest of the closet. After that you need a proper exhaust that will be connected to a tunnel that will pull the hot air directly from were its comin. ( the connector used for dryer ) It would be safer to go with a 150 w but the its not costworthy so dont... and i believe that u can stay with cfl even with 6 plants to produce similar yield it will be harder but doable with LST or screening and topping there are various ways! good luck


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Thanks for the tips guys! Much appreciated. I still havent gotten the light im planning on finishing up this grow and then starting a really nice one with the 400w and organics. My plants are really healthy right now, they arent getting much growth in height because of the flourescent but the its showing alot of undergrowth the plants are very short and bushy im gonna kick it back to 12/12 soon. They are all the same height about 6 inches tall.


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If more people had interest with this thread i could have followed through with it more but nobody seemed interested. Anyway im still running my flouro's i went 12/12 on new years day and within days i could pick the males between the females. I currently have 5 females left no hermies to my knowledge yet, im just seeing some nice long blonde hairs. And i finally got a memory card reader for my computer so ill show you guys a few pics hopefully i have the ones from start too..... I just looked lost the starters and im in a rush so i only clicked a few pics in real quick just a quick example. Ill try and do a little zoom on one so you can see how far the pistils have come along.



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Friggin hermaphrodites, im down to four plants luckily i decided to start making some cuttings or i wouldnt have seen the balls. I cut her/him down right away there are now 4 plants the unhealthy one has been surviving it still looks a bit unhealthy though. I did alot of cutting at once, i have been told you should do little by little by one person, and another tells me to hack away. So what are your opinions? I chopped almost all bud and leaves off where they connect to the branch i left the buds on the top alone along with the second set of buds. Is this alright or did i go overboard? I can post pics if i didnt do a good job explaining or you just plain want to see whats up with my grow please let me know because im pretty lazy and nobody seemed interested in my grow very much to be honest. Haha


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leaves need light but uve now cut them off which isnt a good idea it all depends on peoples oppinions and ways of how they grow there some pics im sure ull get some replys like u just have...


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this would help me alot because my plants have now been in flowering stage for almost 3 weeks and they havent shown there sex yet which is now startin to worry me why they havent after all this time....


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That happened to my fathers plants recently we just cut the light back another hour 11/13 and that sparked them up. It was weird we had them 12/12 for at least a month with literally not a sign just a bit more veg growth. Then we put them back to 11/13 BAM! A few days later you could see flowers immediately. My current plants you were able to completely tell male from female in like a week on most of them.

I suppose it is not so great to cut the leaves off but i didnt remove many fan leaves only if they were at the bottom of my taller plants and/or had some purple stems or absolutely looked unhealthy and i thought it would be better off. I figured by cutting it i wouldnt be doing much damage because i have plenty of healthy leaves on top that will work harder and on a smaller concentrated area like how some people do in a scrog anything below the screen is cut to prevent usage of unecessary space that light didnt reach and prevent bud mold. I figured i was doing just about the same thing flourescent bulbs only have only a small usable amount of light and the buds on the bottom were straight hairs and a bit of crystal and leaves no real bud formation i dont wanna waste all the energy into producing the buds and keeping bottom of the plant healthy ill suffer a few days stunting growth from doing some cuttings and them hopefully my colas and main buds will thrive especially with the molasses i have been using. For being bagseed this is looking to be some pretty decent buds Im liking the crystal formations some hairs are turning brown worrying me a bit because its real early but ive already been assured not to worry but its my first grow with a decent amount of effort, still experimental though. I will have pics up soon not only of my plants but my drying hermie, i got it just at the right time!..... I hope. And my buds arent getting as dense as Id like.

I cut the light back to 12/12 on January first. By a week+ a few days later i could tell males from females and began parting them. So figure. January 8th i see true signs, These plants look very indica and the bottom and more sativa towards the top with that description do you have any estimation of a harvest date, i dont know if my microscope will come in time.


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sorry cant help u there cos i havent harvested at all yet being as my last grow was a male and now ive got up to 8 plants this time and hopefully going to have a few females to bud n harvest myself being as i havent had the experience of harvesting anything yet.....what do u mean by 11/13 ? is it 11 light and 13 hours dark or other way around?im just tired of keep checking because i now see new growth at the top and also there are new leaves startin to form where the branches connect to the stem all the way down each side but still no hair or balls maybe its too early and they are just too young still......


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after switching to 11/13 do u stick to this all the way through the flowering stage cos i havent heard of a 11/13 before.


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i also have a purple leave stem not the main one but one that comes off the side... why did u cut urs off?