My first closet grow


Well-Known Member
Thanks ZTF. Your grow is looking good also. It is a shame about your earlier try that ended up boys.
Heybud, I appreciate your kind words. Check back in a while, I'm hoping it will be nice.


Well-Known Member
I sure am glad I got the HPS now. They really are making some nice progress. Some of my bagseed plants seem a bit stretched out. I am wondering if they might be males. All of them seem to be starting to develop small flowers. The first 2 or 3 pics are the ones I think may be males. It is probably too early to tell though. I have been giving them all 1 to 2 pints of water each day usually with molasses added. I have also been giving them Monty's Joy Juice, 8-16-8, at about half recommended strength maybe once a week or so.
Overall I am very pleased with their progress, I hope some of the bagseed end up girls. I am pretty sure both white widows are girls as they were feminized.
Let me know if any of you think these pics are of males, I haven't seen any balls yet.
Thanks for viewing and healthy growing to all of you.



Well-Known Member
Coming along nicely there Sober, try watering a little less frequently though, ideally you wanna be on a thoroughly wet to nearly dry schedule, it'l help with the droop, are they 10ltr pots theyre in?


Well-Known Member
Coming along nicely there Sober, try watering a little less frequently though, ideally you wanna be on a thoroughly wet to nearly dry schedule, it'l help with the droop, are they 10ltr pots theyre in?
Thanks Londoner, I will cut back a bit on waterings. I believe they are 10 liter pots. They are bigger than 2 gallons. Next time I will use 5 gallon buckets. Hopefully they will be big enough, they would be very difficult to transplant again.
I just looked in on them a minute ago. They all appear to be starting flowers. Could they possibly all be female?


Well-Known Member
Yea 10 ltr pots are fine for plants up to around 1.5m, 5 gal pots would be a bit of a waste imo, in a typical 4-6wk veg period they wouldnt make full use of the 5 gal pot, plus they would seriously restrict your floorspace. i use 10ltr pots for my final potsize and never had any root bound probs.

Its up to you tho mate dont let me stop you doing what your doing.

It could be that theyre all fem, ya never know, its not unheard of, your feminised plants should almost certainly be fem, ive been using fem seeds for about 4years now and never had a male from them and just one slight hermie.

Also my plants in mid flower at the moment in 10ltr(2.5gal) pots im currently watering every three-four days, and they normally take 2ltrs of water/feed each pot.


Well-Known Member
Yea 10 ltr pots are fine for plants up to around 1.5m, 5 gal pots would be a bit of a waste imo, in a typical 4-6wk veg period they wouldnt make full use of the 5 gal pot, plus they would seriously restrict your floorspace. i use 10ltr pots for my final potsize and never had any root bound probs.

Its up to you tho mate dont let me stop you doing what your doing.

It could be that theyre all fem, ya never know, its not unheard of, your feminised plants should almost certainly be fem, ive been using fem seeds for about 4years now and never had a male from them and just one slight hermie.

Also my plants in mid flower at the moment in 10ltr(2.5gal) pots im currently watering every three-four days, and they normally take 2ltrs of water/feed each pot.
Thanks for all of your help Londoner. I will skip today's water and give them a decent dose tomorrow. Then probably every 3 days. Do you feed them molasses or fertilizer every time you water? I have been using plain water every other time.


Well-Known Member
Well i use bio bizz ferts and they specify that you need to feed on every watering, so thats what i do, i have tried feeding every other watering and i always end up with N deficiencies if i do unless i give a heavy dose every other water, so ive found light doses every water to be best as stated on the bottle.

BUT, it depends on the ferts your using, some dont need to be fed on every watering and will burn plants if you do so its kindof a matter of reading your plants really, if theyre happy with what your giving them then why change?

Youl probably find theyl start getting hungry at around 4wks of flower and theyl demand more feed.

Iv never used mollasses, i would give it a go but i havnt seen it in any supermarkets near me and i cant be asked to go lookin for it :lol:


Well-Known Member
I just watered for the first time in 3 days. I gave the 6 plants a total of 2 gallons over about an hour. I had a little bit of grow juice mixed in.
Here are some of today's pics. I can tell a difference every day now. Pic's 1-4 are my bagseed plants, 5 and 6 are white widow, 7 is group photo, and 8 is my homemade carbon filter which I have about $10 into, not including duct tape. It seems to make a hell of a difference on the smell. I will wait probably 3 - 4 days now before the next watering. Thanks for the advice Londoner. They got a good soaking today, water was just starting to come out of the bottom of the pots. I have about an inch of gravel at the bottom of each pot, I read this may help with the drainage.
I am really hoping for 6 ladies, but I know it is too early to tell. I read somewhere that if you start the seedlings in containers at least 4 inches deep, you have a much greater chance at females, hopefully it works.
I was wondering about using CO2, I have access to tanks, but no regulator. Would it hurt to give a quick blast into the tent a few times per day? I may have to invest in the regulator.



Well-Known Member
I just gave them some water today with nutes. It has been 4 days since last watering. I gave them a total of 2 gallons for the 6 plants. I have done some mild LST to expose more buds. I believe the first two photos and the last photo are the white widows here. I should have my CO2 all set up later this week. We shall see if that helps at all. So far I am very pleased with my flowering experience so far. I do have a few yellowing leaves towards the bottoms of most plants, but other than that they seem fine.

JB, I hope you found my journal. You are going to love this site.bongsmilie

Question? Is it okay to trim back a few of the bigger leaves to allow more light to hit the lower buds?



Well-Known Member
Try tucking larger leaves to expose buds instead of cutting.

Theyre not blocking light from the buds, theyre catching light to make buds.

Large fan leaves are good ;-)


Active Member
hey i was wondering what size your home box is im thinking about getting a S and running a 400 watt light in it i was wondering if you were also having any heat issues?


Well-Known Member
hey i was wondering what size your home box is im thinking about getting a S and running a 400 watt light in it i was wondering if you were also having any heat issues?
I'm using the homebox size L. I use a six inch duct going out the top to an inline fan from menards. It gets to be about 85 at the warmest. That doesn't seem to be a problem for the girls though. The L is huge, almost bigger than I imagined, but I did have a spare room for it. I am pretty happy with the setup. It beats the hell out of my ghetto rubbermaid.


Well-Known Member
Try tucking larger leaves to expose buds instead of cutting.

Theyre not blocking light from the buds, theyre catching light to make buds.

Large fan leaves are good ;-)
Thanks Londoner, I have been trying that with the leaves the last few days. I'm running some CO2 during the light cycle also starting today. They all seem to be budding nicely. I will post more pics tomorrow after I water them. I am watering every 4 days now.


Well-Known Member
I think they are starting to look pretty good. The front two on the right are the white widow, the rest are bagseed. I now have a CO2 tube leaking out behind my fan which I installed yesterday. Hopefully that will help a bit. The 2 closeup shots are from my 2 widows. One of them stopped growing after it germinated, so I had to re-germinate it. It was such a runt and now look at it. That would be the one on the far right. For 15 bucks a seed plus risk, I was not going to give up on it.
My widows are far more bushier and prettier than my bagseed plants. For next grow, I have Nirvana skunk bud # 1 on the way. I will probably throw another few widows in with it.
I have been checking very closely and have not seen any balls on any of these.
I gave them another 2 gallons of water this morning. They seem to be handling the every 4 day watering schedule no problem.
Your comments are welcome. I will try to post new pics every 4 days now.
I may take a few more today to get some different angles.



Well-Known Member
I believe the first 2 pics are from my white widows, the rest are from the bagseed, and the group photo of course. I watered yesterday with 1 tbsp grandmas per gallon. I have been watering them every 4 days now and they seem okay. I am getting a few yellowing leaves towards the bottom, but the buds seem healthy enough. Some of my plants are a much deeper green than the others, even though they are from the same seed stock. If anyone is viewing I welcome your comments. Do these look decent for 22 days flowering? Any idea how much I might harvest if I give them another 43 days?
I am still spending way too much and look forward to my first real harvest. It should be dryed and cured just in time for the holiday season. If I can get 160 - 200 g I will be very happy. Maybe I am way too optimistic. I know it will be much cheaper next time because I have already invested in the equipment this time. Enjoy.



Well-Known Member
Buds and leaves getting some nice crystals on all plants. Even the bagseed. I have lots of lower leaves turning yellow and falling off, but the buds all seem to look healthy to me. I think they are going to be very tasty. I can't wait until harvest. The white widows are covered in small buds and white crystals now. I can't decide what to grow next. I might try some Mazar x Afghan that I got as a bonus from buying the ww seeds. I have some skunk #1 and himalayan gold on the way hopefully.
If anyone has any advice for this grow, please feel free to post it.



Well-Known Member
They are still losing some leaves, but I think the buds look real decent. I cannot wait to test these girls. My ph seems a little high at 7.5, I was thinking of trying some epsom salts in the next watering. I soaked them pretty good yesterday with almost full strength nutes. Any guesses to how much this might yield in a month? I am hopeful for at least 4 oz, hopefully more. I sure am learning a lot with this project. I believe this is the most enjoyable hobby I have ever had.
Enjoy the pics, and comments are more than welcome.



Well-Known Member
The pot in the back middle, bagseed, seems to need slightly more water than the rest. When I water tomorrow, I will be using filtered store water, with molasses.
I am hoping that these will turn out very nice. I am losing a lot of the larger leaves, especially the lower ones. They are turning yellow, then drying out and falling off.
The site I bought the white widow seeds from recommended flowering for 55 days. Others on this site have been recommending longer with this strain. With the holiday season approaching, I will not be able to go much longer than 60 total days.
Should I be okay with 29 more days of flowering? I know these have a long way to go.
I have a scope now so I will be able to check the trichromes.
Any thoughts?



Well-Known Member
The last closeup is bagseed, the first 2 white widow. The leaves around the buds are looking a little dry, but the buds seem to be growing okay. I will give them a very good watering tomorrow.
I am pleased to see the RIU search engine is working again. I am finding some amusing threads where people are threatening to kick each others asses.
According to the place I got these seeds from, they only take 55 days of flowering, but I may give them an extra week or so. I am going after the couch lock high.
I may have to harvest one of the bagseed plants at day 55 just to have some decent smoke, but I will prolly let the rest go a bit.
I may raise the light just a hair tomorrow also.
Enjoy the pics, they should be budporn very soon.

