My First Coco Grow!


Well-Known Member
Ok guys I am at it again, this time I better not have any damn males as my seeds are Feminized this time around. I started A Super Skunk which I got for free with one of my orders, and A White Berry. They are both about a week an a half to two weeks old, the SS is about a day older that the WB. I plan on veggin these girls for about another 2 weeks, I go on vacation on the 18th I am gonna turn back the lights before I leave.

Here are a couple pics. The SS is the one with the longer leaves, the WB has the smaller fat ones. Any Questions just ask



Well-Known Member
nope 100% coco, I am usin phd water. I just started addin nutes lasts week, very light does about 1ml/gal. They ha a really pale green color to em before that, thery have darkened up since and are lookin VERY healthy!!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm doing coco also but I cut it with p'lite. Make sure you have coco specific nutes or you might have problems


Well-Known Member
I talked to the guy at the store I bought em from, he uses the same coco blocks and nutes. Flora Nova is great shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Here are a couple more pics for u guys, they have grown alot since the last pics only 4 days ago!!!! Now I can smell em when I open the tent!!!! I am still amazed at how much faster these babies grow under HID lighting. Got less than a week left of veggin time, Next Saturday is the big day. I im hopin I am not flippin em too early, either way I guess this will give me a good refrence point for next time. I have a limited grow space only about 3.5ft maybe 4ft if I push it, that damn carbon filter is takin up alot of room in the top of my tent. Will see how things turn out tho, these both have about a 50 day flowerin period so they will be done about the same time.


Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
you should be feeding more. they look like they can handle 1/2 strength to me. getting good run-off? if you're not using coco specific nutes, you may have problems. easily fixed by weekly epsom salt additions. how often are you feeding?


Well-Known Member
you should be feeding more. they look like they can handle 1/2 strength to me. getting good run-off? if you're not using coco specific nutes, you may have problems. easily fixed by weekly epsom salt additions. how often are you feeding?
Yeah I am going to up the nutes this week with the watering, goin to give em their first does of Flora Nova Bloom this week. I just watered em the other day so they wont need it for another couple days. Have been using 1/4 strength nutes, I suppose I shoulda uped it this week. They look to be doin fine tho branching out beautifully. The guy at the hydro store I went to uses the same nutes and coco blocks, which are from botanicare. He said he has had no problems, and as far as i can tell I am not havin any either. Like they always say if its not broke don't fix it


Well-Known Member
you know you can feed everyday right?
yeah but that can also cause root rot, even though the coco drains off all but what it will hold. would hate for that to happen, have fucked up too many grows with males. goin for low stress, water em every coouple days and bein careful not to burn em. Still kinda new to this, I do appreciate the advice not sayin I wont try it but gonna go with what im doin for now cause it seems to be workin great

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
yeah but that can also cause root rot, even though the coco drains off all but what it will hold.
totally incorrect! coco is hydro. here's some good info. from, "integral hydroponics."

is a product derived from the husks of the coconut.
Visually it looks like peat.
It's air capacity is about 30%.
Coir is most suited as a run to waste medium.
Coir can become saturated and it is not truly inert medium.
This means that the nutrient will change over a short period (due to the nutrient collecting micro and macro elements as it passes through the coir.
Coir tends to release potassium and to withold calcium.
For this reason it is desirable to use a nutrient that is blended specifically for coir.
Coir has a remarkable capacity to protect the plants root system in times of heat.
It also tends to promote vigorous and healthy root development.
Plant growth tends to be very consistant with coir.
Coir is very tolerant of over and under watering, which makes it a very forgiving growing medium.
Coir has a very strong cation exchange ability, which means it can hold and release nutrient elements based on the plants needs.
Coir tends to retain nutrient salts. because of this, less nutrient (lower ec) is required.
On a less positive note, coir can also contain high levels of sodium (salt)....
If your growing in coir be aware that this can be a potential problem.
Either purchase a pre-flushed coir product or flush ph (5.5-6.0) stabilised water through the coir prior to use.
Measure the ec of the water and then measure the ec of the run off.
When they are the same, it is ready for use.
Large amounts of potassium are naturally present in coir.
Potassium competes with calcium and magnesium... buffering and plant nutrition needs to compensate for this!!
For this reason there are several nutrients that are specifically formulated with the coco coir's unique characteristics in mind.
By using a nutrient specifically formulated for the coir based system, you are ensuring that your plants are receiving the best possible nutritient package.


Well-Known Member
after thinkin about things a bit I think I may end up letting these girls veg for another week. I don't want to end up with small ass plants and just waste my time when its all over with, I suppose I can always do something to make em shorter but can't do anything to make them bigger other than let em grow a bit longer. I am not sure yet, will see how things are lookin friday.


Well-Known Member
coco is amazing but i will always recomend mixing in a good amount of perlite and vermiculite and an inch of clay pebbles in the bottom that way you will find it impossable to overwater em the feed just runns round the pebbles and keeps a realy good aeration to the roots


Well-Known Member
the block I bought have about an inch of coir in the bottom to keep everything on top from draining out, the rest is a mix or coir and the finer grade of coco I don't remember wuts its called exactly. Will have new pics tomorrow afternoon when I get off work, didn't get a chance to check on things today. Kinda like to check on em everyother day if I can help it, makes em seem like they grow faster. Will kill me to be away for a week!!!!


Well-Known Member
Here are some new pics. I have decided to go ahead an let them veg for another week, I am goin to have my rommie givin em their first week of Flora Nova Bloom. Usein about 6ml/gal Gonna take a couple clones from em when I get home and flip the lights.



Active Member
how are you draining your pots? I am trying to get my first grow setup started and am debating on what medium to use.. My local Hydro store also recommended coco and I am still debating..I have a grow tent with a 600w hps and am looking to do like 5-7 plants in 5 gallon buckets! Does this sound like a good plan? I read that coco has the best air to water ratio so I am almost sure i want to use it. How much/often are you watering your plants? Thanks for your help!


Well-Known Member
how are you draining your pots? I am trying to get my first grow setup started and am debating on what medium to use.. My local Hydro store also recommended coco and I am still debating..I have a grow tent with a 600w hps and am looking to do like 5-7 plants in 5 gallon buckets! Does this sound like a good plan? I read that coco has the best air to water ratio so I am almost sure i want to use it. How much/often are you watering your plants? Thanks for your help!

I think 5 gallon buckets would be a bit big not to mention take away a bit of your grow space height wise. The coco cubes I bought came with their own "Grow Bag" so to say. You just add water and they expand, then I cut a couple holes in the bottom. I have been watering every 3-4 days but I have been told that you can water daily because the coco drains so well, will only hold what it needs. Read the rest of my journal and you will see where I talked about this with another guy on here.