My First Coco Grow!


Well-Known Member
They are loving the coco, I imagine that the molasses I have been givin em for the past 2 weeks is startin to hit em good. Budz are just swelling:hump::hump: As long as you check the ph of your water and use the right amount of nutes u will have no problems. I water them untill water starts running out of the bottom, that is one of the beautiful things about coco is you CANNOT over water your plant because the coco will only hold so much water and drain the rest off. I water everyother day and go back and forth between nute and molasses. I don't mix it with any thing, I just buy the bolcks put some water on em and go to town. if ya have anyother questions just ask. Thanks for keepin up with the grow man
awesome dude, thanks alot, super helpful! i love the molassess, i'm bout to start using only that and big bloom for the rest of the grow...i'm gonna try coco forsure, i've just seen too much great dank grown with it...and i don't wanna go hydro, so it's perfect for me....and no problem my friend, i'll be here til the's exciting, both are harvest's are coming, can't wait!



Well-Known Member
awesome dude, thanks alot, super helpful! i love the molassess, i'm bout to start using only that and big bloom for the rest of the grow...i'm gonna try coco forsure, i've just seen too much great dank grown with it...and i don't wanna go hydro, so it's perfect for me....and no problem my friend, i'll be here til the's exciting, both are harvest's are coming, can't wait!

Yeah we will be harvesting about the same time, somewhere in the 3rd week of june I figure. If I can wait the long, OMG the first grow is the longest!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am gonna go nuts for the next month, dunno if I can take it:shock: LMAO


Well-Known Member
Yeah we will be harvesting about the same time, somewhere in the 3rd week of june I figure. If I can wait the long, OMG the first grow is the longest!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am gonna go nuts for the next month, dunno if I can take it:shock: LMAO
haha, i know what you mean my friend, really tough to train yourself mentally, to not go nuts, LOL...i just take it day by day and i love watching my girls mature into ladies...and coco is supposed to be great with taste, like soil, is that correct?? my 2 power skunks, late start hashberry, and seeded white rhino are gonna take the'll be nice to have a staggered harvest, i've never had that before...can't fucking wait!!



Well-Known Member
haha, i know what you mean my friend, really tough to train yourself mentally, to not go nuts, LOL...i just take it day by day and i love watching my girls mature into ladies...and coco is supposed to be great with taste, like soil, is that correct?? my 2 power skunks, late start hashberry, and seeded white rhino are gonna take the'll be nice to have a staggered harvest, i've never had that before...can't fucking wait!!

That is what I hear, like I said this is my first sucessful grow. Always had males, they died, or someone thought they needed em more than me.

Hey bro nice work, you gonna give us a smoke report?:peace:
Forsure, can't wait for dis shit to be done

Keep it up, man. Ill be around.

Sweet man


Well-Known Member
Not much new to report today, just watered the gals. Gave em both a healthy dose of molasses, they seem to be enjoying it. The SS is catching up to the WB fast, there was a 5-6 inch diff between the two now it is prolly 2 maybe 3in. WB seems to be slowing on upward growth fianlly, too much more and I woulda been in trouble. LOL I just hope the SS doesn't get a wild hair and go crazy on me, got about 4-5 inches left for my light to go up.

I also started 2 autos today, figure by the time they are starting to bud I will be close to harvesting these 2 girls I have now. This way I will have a constant supply, autos done in 7-8 weeks from seed. Will see if these ones grow, last 2 I tried to grow both died shortly after popping up. Dunno wut happened, this time I have em directly in the coco in my humidity dome with a seedling mat. Also sprouting all my other seeds for my veggie garden, I have alot of shit im puttin in. Dunno if I will have room for it all in the area I have, will soon find out tho.

Also just a note, its not a good idea to try to upload pics while trying to upload a video on YouTube:wall: Doesn't quite work......


M Blaze

Well-Known Member
Im still here lurking in the shadows and watching this thread lol

Those plants are looking great so keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
Not much change over the past couple days other than they both seemed to stop streching and are swelling now!!!!!!!:hump: I ordered a 60x-100x mag to check my trics here in a couple weeks, they are getting THICK.:shock::shock: I didn't relize it when I ordered it off ebay that it is comin from china, so it will be a week or two before it shows. Hopefully it gets here in time, figure I will start flushing about mid next week. That will give them a week and a half- two and a half weeks flush. Will get some new pics up for everyone tomorrow


Well-Known Member
I'm still 10 days out from harvest. And I think you are at least a week behind me. I know they look tasty but be patient.


Well-Known Member
I'm still 10 days out from harvest. And I think you are at least a week behind me. I know they look tasty but be patient.

I know it sux, thats why im waitin to start the flush till late next week. Figure I will be harvesting anywhere from the 2nd-3rd week in June. Was just checkin the specs on the SS and it says 45-50 days, will see what happens. By the looks of it it is gonna take longer cause the buds are just really starting to fill in on it. The Berry tho is just swelling like crazy, its intense. lol few more weeks, I think I will be ok.


Well-Known Member
Finally Half way there!!!!!!:hump: Here are da pics I promised, will try my best to update a bit more often from here out.


hi ive just started a grow with coco and a product call canna a b i wanted to know what to set my ph level to in my e.g 10litre mix. also what should my tds indicator read thanks hope you can help


Well-Known Member
hi ive just started a grow with coco and a product call canna a b i wanted to know what to set my ph level to in my e.g 10litre mix. also what should my tds indicator read thanks hope you can help

you want your ph to be anywhere from 5.0-6.5, if you are using the good old fashion way with the indicator solution you want your water to turn yellow-a dark piss yellow. What is a TDS? never herd the term.


Well-Known Member
Went up to the Hydro store last night to pick up some more Coco blocks for my two auto girls, gonna set em downstairs with the other two tonight. I also have decided to flower the White Widow I brought back with me on vacation, it is pushin 2 ft tall now. I don't think I will yeild much off it but I could be wrong, right now it is tall and streched. Gonna cut the top off and clone it in the next couple days.

I also found that the store I go to for suppies has all the Humbolt County nutes and additives, I am goin to be picking up some Gravity for sure and would like to get some of the bushmaster for the widow. That shit is expensive tho, almost 30.00 for like an 8 ounce bottle I think it was 8 anyway.


Well-Known Member
Hey bro, just stopping by to see how your grow is progressing. I'm thinking you're gonna have some nice bud in the good ole stash jar pretty soon :hump:

Looking good
:joint: ~Boneman