my first confrontation with my parents!


Well-Known Member
I've bought weed with wet(pcp) mixed in one time, it wasn't that bad of a trip/high but I don't prefer it over weed alone. As for the snow on the hills (meth, coke) I have tried it and it's actually quite nice, if someone is willing to spike my shit with expensive drugs like coke and shit then go right ahead. But with that being said I prefer my weed unchanged and I will only put up with the spiking just so much until I abondon the source with the bogarted weed.
we called that the gehtto funk when i was growin up.

i would lick my ciggerett and roll it through a line of coke and smoke that... helped level me out at the end of a long night of snootn lines


Well-Known Member
Why don't you ever have anything positive to say?

You must live a depressing fuckin life.
I have plenty positive to say. but I'm certainly not going to hold back what I think about something. this is an internet forum in which we can express our thoughts, correct?

so I'm more of a cynic then the next guy, shoot me.


Well-Known Member
The Cock Bong I was referring to was a house warming present for me and my 2 mates when we moved out.

Ours was skin coloured:

As for rolling machines... if you can't role your own you shouldn't be smoking.
skin colored eh? if you're a fucking tiger...


Well-Known Member
Well it didn't belong to me, it was a communal bong. My mate who rents the place we moved in to still has it and it gets used quite often. I prefer my volcano to a bong though, and leave the cock sucking to the plebians.