Firstly chill out.
Next calibrate your pH meter with the 7.0 solution you have. Then order yourself another cheapo ph pen off ebay as a backup. They're about 5 bucks and worth having one for peace of mind.
Could be calcium deficiency what is your water ppm before adding anything? You might need to add some calmag to your water but it's difficult to say for certain without knowing what your water is like as a baseline.
Could be PK lockout. Go down to 25ml/10L of your nutes.
Then pH to 6.5 and water. Now you know your pH is correct, you have enough calcium and your nutes are not too strong. So it's just a waiting game. Watch your new growth for signs of the same thing happening... if it is you need to rethink things.
Alrite, ill try to relax alittle about it, i just sit here reading about deficiencies and root rot and god know what while stress-smoking bowls of hashish. Maybe i should stop that. The reading that is!

I did calibrate the ph-meter and it did measure my tapwater to 8.1 again, just like it did in the beginning. So the flush was with water of a ph of 6.2, +/- 0.2 with alittle bit of calmag, not much tho and no floweringnutes at all.
Im pretty sure its P deficiency along with some cal def, ive got both some cal spots and alot of P def necrosis going on. if you think the dosage of 35ml/10l of canna flores is enough, it has to be a lockout. Considering ive added calmag every watering aswell, although in less dosages than minimum recommended. I use canna boost, they should eat alittle bit more than natural, right ?
But will there be new fanleafs groing out? The plants seem to be pretty much done with the stretch by now, im at day 25 and they started swelling instead of growing. Ive been thinking that when i loose all the fan leafs, a good crop is not to speak of.. is that wrong?
Let the poor plants dry out!!! From your first post you've said you think they're overwatered so, since you've flushed them now anyway, just let them dry, don't put anything on them until the top inch of soil is dry. Just give them a few days, don't remove leaves, you need them for diagnosis, see how they look when they've had chance to dry out and start diagnosing them from there, and look into ways of getting more oxygen to your roots because you've already said your soil doesn't drain well. Good luck
Yea, its mainly the one that was the most affected in the beginning that is very droopy and crispy the rest seem to be better today, they were crispy yesterday aswell but not really droopy. I did however read that P def can cause these symptoms too, graying of the coloring and crispy leafs. But all the kings kush has been drooping alot all through their lifes, maybe i should change my watering with them in some way.. I will put a fan on them to get some circulation down by the fabric-pots, should help out abit with drying them.
Im pretty sure its not just about the overwatering since the symptoms spread to both a white widow and the ice since yesterday, they have never been overwatered and is still perky and healthy in structure. The white widow in particular, it was just some little brownish coloring on the leafs yesterday and today they look horrible.
Overwatering leading to a root problem or PH been too high for a while if your meter is screwed. Both could cause such symptoms.
Root zone PH is relevant so when you have allowed them time to dry out properly test your run off next watering, knowing what ph is going in, then what it is coming out will help you determine your root zone PH.
Glad to see someone else saying don't remove leaves, not only are they a good indicator of what going on, if your roots are having issues then the leaves can provide some of the elements the plant needs
In the case of the kings kush, i think you are right, its overwatered and i dont even count on it surviving anymore, its kinda standing completely still.. But now the other strains who never got droopy get the deficiencies aswell so i think theres more going on than overwatering. Maybe the pics clears it up, youll see the kk on the right of the tent-pic.
Thanks for the info about pulling leaves, makes sense that they draw everything they can from them before letting go. I dont usually yank them hard, i mostly go for the ones that snap off easily. But im sure theres loads of nutrients left and often a whole finger is green on many of them or atleast halfyellowing.
Thanks for the replys guys, i appreciate it greatly!
This is whats going on, along with the calcium spotting here and there. it has to be P def, not cal right ? I see larger spotting thats not in this pattern which i think is the cal def leafs, they dont yellow until later aswell.
The ice, who just started having the symptoms:
And the white widow started getting messed up today aswell and as i said, shes in a smaller pot and is watered more frequently and never got droopy leafs:
On top the ice which i plucked the above leaf from, one of the least affected so far and under it is the kush that is all crispy and droopy, wierd how much better she look on photo.. shes like graying in different shades and have lot more little brown starting spots for necrosis than the image show:
And a happier picture, they look so much better in this light, what cant be seen doesnt exist?