I got 2 paks of that seed as well , so gonna do a in-door pheno hunt
it's fairly robust grower took all kinda stress under a small mars400 & then just a few brite stix for a month
popped the bean last xmas & then had a family issue (80'year olders duking it out , then police , then a 5150 on my mom ,my parents

took 64 years to find she's nutz dad ? )
all the while the plants get dusted with PM & mites , the mites well they screamed like shit when they seen all the spiders , my house has spiders & silverfish infestation lasted less than a week just ennuff to fleck my Alien Tarantula 's
They be in the G/H as well , one is 10' & 10' wide bar none the stoutest,robustest, weed i've grown she's living up to the Strawberry Cough in them the other side Alien Kush both parents are vibrant growing plants
my SC last year was amazing 4 to 5 ' colas the norm dense huge hard sweet bud they were so big it was hard to get under to water , lol i getting that same issue