My first DWC setup, any feedback would be great


So I just started a DWC grow alongside my soil grow just because I've heard such great things about DWC methods and I'm ready to try something new. I figured if I grew some soil clones and DWC clones side by side that I could really be able to tell the difference between growth rate and yields for both methods. So stay tuned as I will post when new things occur. So far my set up is simple-

3gal bucket
2 - 1" net cups
2 - slightly rooted clones
GH 3 part nutrients (micro, grow, bloom)
air pump
air stone
and proper tubing.

I'm not really asking too many questions I would just like to go through the stages with a few other people who have used this method before. Because they're just little clones I used about 1/4 the amount of nutes, and I'm on about day 3 in the DWC bucket. I was told to cut out most of the net pot to avoid any root strangling as well as leave it out of the pellets until the first root or two drop to the water. Let me know if you think this system will work well and/or anything that I could change or look out for in the early stages of this process. I will keep updated from here on out, can't wait!

DWC 024.jpgDWC 023.jpgDWC 021.jpgDWC 022.jpg


And if possible, maybe go with two buckets. If these plants get big(which we all hope they will), they will be crowded together with both living in the same bucket.


Well-Known Member
i was thinking of that, in switching to a black lid an bucket soon
If you decide to keep the buckets tape them with aluminum tape you can buy at any hardware store. Also take the other posters advice and do one plant per bucket especially if they are different strains.


yah they will be put into they're own 5 gal buckets in larger nets with some hydroton pellets. Since there are no roots touching the nutes, should I bother with adding more water/nutes, or wait until a noticeable amount has been used up?


Well-Known Member
yah they will be put into they're own 5 gal buckets in larger nets with some hydroton pellets. Since there are no roots touching the nutes, should I bother with adding more water/nutes, or wait until a noticeable amount has been used up?
I always put the water really close to the bottom of the net pot like 1/2 inch under so the bubbles splash the hydroton.


even as clones, should I have the rooting cube getting wet/bubbles all the time, currently I have it 1inch from the cube and they are defintilely sprouting roots but should I give them a closer feed to the nutes or will this burn the clones and over fertilize them. Let me know what I can do to accelerate the veg process.


Well, you want the roots or the bottom of the rooting cube close enough to the water that the bubbles splash up on them and keep them moist. As long as this done, the roots will find their way into the water eventually. The most important thing is to keep them from drying out.


A few days later, we have roots! Almost time to separate these ladies and get them really goin. Advise, critique, comment....thanks guys!



So Just over two weeks and these ladies are really taking off! Advise, Comment, Critique....Thanks guys.




I don't have an EC meter currently, my pH is staying at around 6. I live in colorado so my humidity is pretty weak, maybe 30%, when I put the humidifier in I can get it up to 50% max. I am at 72 degrees all day, 1000watt HPS currently until I can get a new MH bulb, using GH3 line of nutes and have been in veg for about 3 weeks now. I have been growing for 2 years now and think I have gotten most of my environmental conditions down solid but have not been impressed with my results in soil, so far this DWC is the best.....super fast growth and very strong hearty branches, I think I will be switching over completely soon. Anyody know of a good DIY bubble cloner? once you go bubbles you never go back!


Active Member
I don't have an EC meter currently, my pH is staying at around 6. I live in colorado so my humidity is pretty weak, maybe 30%, when I put the humidifier in I can get it up to 50% max. I am at 72 degrees all day, 1000watt HPS currently until I can get a new MH bulb, using GH3 line of nutes and have been in veg for about 3 weeks now. I have been growing for 2 years now and think I have gotten most of my environmental conditions down solid but have not been impressed with my results in soil, so far this DWC is the best.....super fast growth and very strong hearty branches, I think I will be switching over completely soon. Anyody know of a good DIY bubble cloner? once you go bubbles you never go back!
I have the same exact setup as you, what kind of pump do you use?


I couldn't help myself I had to update with a few more pics, they're are just really taking off. They've practically doubled since I put them into the new buckets, I can't wait to see where these ladies go!



Okay, another weekly update...The two vegging Flos are looking really healthy and since I pinched them off early they are certainly bushy! I am running two nutrient systems to compare, one in each pot so I will keep you all updated how that goes as well. The first three pics are of the two Flo ladies, and the other two are of some new genetics I got from a friend (Matanuska Tundra and Blueberry). I have been growing Flo for a little while and I think it's time to get a couple mothers going and start a new project. The two taller ones (blueberry) started to turn just a bit light green almost yellow, I'm guessing lack of nitrogen. Should I adjust the amount of grow formula in the res or should I separate these two and give them something different from the matanuskas (fairly healthy/green). Any help would be greatly appreciated; Comment, Critique, Advise...Thanks all!

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Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
Get an EC/PPM/TDS meter or ALL this could be gone at any moment !!!
Otherwise it's looking real nice !! lol