my first ever female in flowering!


Active Member
Sup guys!

This is the first female plant I've ever had!
I started with 2, one was a male. I started with tube floresecent lights, but that wasn't cutting it. So I removed those and instead installed 8 26w 2700k cfls. This is bagseed. Flowering was probably about 3 weeks of those shitty flouros, so I was wondering if that could hurt my outcome because it has been taking so long to get good light? It has been doing so much better since I added the CFL's about 6 days ago. Any estimates on how much longer before harvesting? I had some nute problems, but I got some schultz 10-15-10 that I use. I'm attaching old pictures first, then my new ones. Let me know what you guys think, or what I should do to improve this, etc, because I have a few seedlings on the way. Anyone have any idea if this is sativa and/or indica (mix) or maybe have a guess at what strain it is? I doubt its anything good. This posts pics are the old ones with the floresecent lights. Any comments are appreciated. I know it isn't that great looking, but this is what I have. Thanks for your time!:bigjoint:



New Member
Sup guys!

This is the first female plant I've ever had!
I started with 2, one was a male. I started with tube floresecent lights, but that wasn't cutting it. So I removed those and instead installed 8 26w 2700k cfls. This is bagseed. Flowering was probably about 3 weeks of those shitty flouros, so I was wondering if that could hurt my outcome because it has been taking so long to get good light? It has been doing so much better since I added the CFL's about 6 days ago. Any estimates on how much longer before harvesting? I had some nute problems, but I got some schultz 10-15-10 that I use. I'm attaching old pictures first, then my new ones. Let me know what you guys think, or what I should do to improve this, etc, because I have a few seedlings on the way. Anyone have any idea if this is sativa and/or indica (mix) or maybe have a guess at what strain it is? I doubt its anything good. This posts pics are the old ones with the floresecent lights. Any comments are appreciated. I know it isn't that great looking, but this is what I have. Thanks for your time!:bigjoint:
You did right by getting them more light. It does look great for a first grow. I use CFL's too but use the big monsters. I'd say that the 3 weeks of old floros got you about 2 weeks or so of growth that you'll now get. Most plants mature in the 8-10 week are but since yours is bagseed as was mine you never know for sure. To me this looks like a sativa indica cross of some kind. The leaves are a little wide to be just Sativa but the internode distance ( the distance between a set of leaves and the ones above it) says a little sativa is in the mix. As far as a particullar strain, to many different combos out there to ever know for sure. It's probably best to grow it, harvest it, cure it, smoke it and then go look to the seedbanks info and try to match up the buzz you get with their descrition. Not exactly scientific but that is impossible here. How close are you keeping the CFL's? That's critical to bud developement. For 26W they should be a little over an inch away, maybe two at most. That should be enough light for one plant. Just keep it going and don't get impatient. That is especially critical at harvest time. You're going to want to cut it so bad you can't stand it from curiosity if nothing else. For a first time grower I would recommend that when you think it's ready, wait one more week. If you want some excitement when the time comes get yourself a 30x microscope from Radio Shack and look at the trichomes ( the little hair on the buds and leaves. Looks like a dust of powdered sugar on mine. Under the microscope you will see some that are clear and some that are cloudy and some that are sort of amber. Cut them just before about 50% of them are amber and you get it close to the peak.


Active Member
Thanks so much for the help.+rep They didnt have any of the 42 watt so maybe I'll try to get a couple from somewhere else. I'm not keeping the side CFLs close enough then. Should I just move them closer or should I move them to where it looks like the best bud formation(ie not on the opposite sides of each other)? Do you think I should add some more CFLs or maybe try to buy some 42 watt ones? I just want to maximize the yield and do anything I can to make it better. Interesting info on the sativa/indica mix.

Also, do the stems look too purple?

Thanks again!


New Member
More light is always good for production. Now that you are in flowering, if you can get some warm white 42's you'll benefit. I hang mine using cup hooks screwed into the ceiling and run plastic chain down to the bud sites and connect my shop type reflectors to the chains. You can then adjust for height and just move the cup hooks over and screw them into a different spot on the ceiling as it grows with the goal always being to get them the 1-2" from a group of buds or promising sites. Think of making a reverse U or light cap around the plant. FYI, max production from one plant should be about 3 oz. First grows are always short of that for various reasons. Let this be a learning experience for you and the go forth and multiply. LOL!

Purple is ok from the pictures I see. Some strains do that on their own genetics (there are even some purple strains on purpose) and some just do it due to what the plant considers a low light situation. Dark colors absorb more light. No worries and it doesn't affect production. Just the plants way of being all it can be. Remember they are weeds and hard to kill. It's 90% genitics and 10% what you do. I used bag seeds my first couple of grows and am now on to defined strains so I can get what kind of buzz and production I want. Keep up the good work.


Active Member
Do you think I should move one of the CFLs from each side up to the top side? and only have one on each side at the bottom? I dont know about this because it looks like the bottom may have a few bud areas.

:?::-(Also I started noticing these spots on the bottom leaves. I dont know what it is, hopefully not spidermites?! I'm only using 10-15-10 schultz 2 dropperfuls in a gallon of water / water about every 3 days.



New Member
Move them to the site with the most buds for now. Think of light as gasoline for the buds. Step on the gas where necessary.

That looks like nute burn to me (spots on leaves and dying from the leaf tips. Do you fert every time you water? The plan is fert-water-water, fert-water-water. Give them pure water the next two waterings and things should go back to normal. Those leaves may eventually die but older leaves on plants do that anyway.


Well-Known Member
I must be high...or drunk. that plant has a little N defeciency, hence the yellowing lower leaves, but more importantly you stated that this thing has been flowering for at least 3 weeks?

The stretch would indicate this is true, but where are the flowers? Is your light sealed from darkness during the dark cycle?

I'm pretty darned confused, break down for me where you are in this grow, how old they are, what light cycle they WERE on, what light cycle they ARE on, what nutes you started them with and what nutes they are now and what strength you are feeding them.

We can get you on track, but I thnk we have some misuse of vocabuiary and some miscommunication so let's just get on the same page and we'll get you up and growin' in no time.


Active Member
Thanks. It has been flowering for about a month now. There was the time period of 3 weeks where I used 2 shoplights. It was a huge mistake. I had the shoplights like this. If the plant is the period and the lights are the fowardslash.


Its like that against a wall. So it sucked so we added 8 cfls 26 watt 2700k. It is doing soo much better. I will post pics of the new growth. The pistils have at least tripled in a week. Hopefully using the florescent lights didnt fuck up the cycle. I started with miracle grow soil. Retarded, I know. So after the "nutes" in it ran out, I thought it was N deficiency, so I got some schultz liquid 10-15-10. I put one dropperful in a gallon jug and used that water and then did another jug with 2 dropperfuls. This was about the last week and half. So now I just used water. So I really have no idea, the top is doing great, but the bottom is where the spots are.

The light is sealed. It was on 18/6 then when we switched to flowering its on 12/12. The plant is probably 2 months old. So as of right now, no nutes, just water every few days when its dry. I'm scared to use more of the schultz, because I don't know what the spots are from. I don't want to fuck it up any more than it is. I'll get some pics tomorow when the lights are on. Thanks for the help.


New Member
Ultimately your going to want to get some professional nutes. I use general hydroponic Flora 3 part formula. It calls for a little N even in flower. I also use Superthrive which is something you should think about. I picked mine up at Wal-Mart last year and they are getting their spring stock in so it might be available. It is a vitamin/hormone that helps in a lot of ways. They are kind of secretive on the formula but a lot of people know that it works and that is all that counts..


Active Member
Okay Whenever I go to walmart today or tommorow I'll see if I can find some. Heres some new pics, hopefully its starting to look better. Let me know what you guys think. I know its not great, but its doing much better than before. Thanks!



New Member
They are looking much better and the new growth is doing great. Nice and thick and ready to grow. Remember this is your first grow so patience is the word here. You'll get better every grow. Peace.


Active Member
Yeah, I'm not in a hurry at all. I just dont want it to die and have wasted the time. I just want to yield something on my first time :)


Active Member
Latest pics!

Looking great, still got some spots on the last few pics. Ever 3 water nutrients. How many more weeks do you think are left? Four?




Active Member
Do you think I should move one of the CFLs from each side up to the top side? and only have one on each side at the bottom? I dont know about this because it looks like the bottom may have a few bud areas.

:?::-(Also I started noticing these spots on the bottom leaves. I dont know what it is, hopefully not spidermites?! I'm only using 10-15-10 schultz 2 dropperfuls in a gallon of water / water about every 3 days.
I would switch fertilizers. You want a fertilizer with more available phosphate during flowering. You want a 15-30-15 N-P-K ratio or higher. Look for bloom booster or similar fertilizers. A 10-15-10 ratio will promote more stem and leaf development over developing buds.