My first glass bong experience.(share your stories!)


Well-Known Member
i cant even remember my first bong rip. i do remember if one of my friends said they had never hit a bong before we would tell them it was customary for a first timer to drink all of the bong water after we hit it. in retrospect it was kinda a cruel joke but MAD funny at the time


Well-Known Member
dude, you HAVE to be under 18. the way you talk, the way you type, and the things you're talking about.

mods please do something about this.

but for the contribution to the thread, my first glass bong was about 1.25 feet tall, kicked my ass.

biggest bong I've ever hit was a 4.5 footer, cleared the entire bowl in one hit :D.
i think its discrimination to guess someones age by the way they type and what they type about. i never use cap letter and neither do you unless its meant to STAND OUT. i dont think there is any reason for a mod to get involved unless they want to talk about their first time hitting a bong


My first bong hit, was in a bong made from one of those 4 foot Fluorescent bulb. The first bong I owned I made out of this glass thing it looked like a water can but I have no idea what it was, made for a hell of a bong though when it was finished. But she was broke when I was in the hospital from my car wreck, my little brother left it sit on the floor in the kitchen after baking, and my step bro kicked it (accidentally) I blame him (jokingly) and he always passes the blame on to Kurtis for leaving it sit...rightfully. I'll always miss that one RIP Biltabong


Well-Known Member
my first bong experience was when i was a youngin... just started smoking and my buddy made a bong out of a plastic bottle. needless to say that this contraption was so strange and foreign that our young stoner minds counden't comprehend, and noone wanted to give up there pot to try it lol. but it was his birthday (the guy who made the piece) so we let him try it. we all were saying man you cant put weed in there its gunna get wet or you just gunna get water in your mouth. we were wrong and he was right got so damn high that night i still remember giggling our asses off at nothing and egging the local middle school... fun times
my first bong i ever made was a bottle of coke with a hose for a pipe and a cone piece (australian version of bowl) i went with my friend to meet my dealer at a park we metup sat in a bush which u cannot see out of or inside. that day i spent about 50 bucks on my bag and my friend baught 30 bucks for his bag and then out of no where my dealer brought out this bag with the dankest lookin shit which was chopped us and shouted us each about a 20 bag <3. i was the 1st person to smoke so i thumb packed the cone piece with chopped up bud, after that 1 hit it blew my mind. shit was intense and since my dealer had severe exhma it just made everything so madd and when he wasnt lookin i quickly took his little mix bag of weed and tobbacco. i had all that weed for about 1 more week.