My first grow, 400 watt scrog, white russian and blue cheese.

The white Russian seems to be having some problems of its own i don't see any signs of the yellowing from the old deficiency but i do see signs of something else, i believe it could be the burn from foliar feeding 2 weeks ago i know its been a while since that happened but the leaves have not looked right since then and i believe the hps may be causing what ever happened then to be getting worse now? Let me know what you guys think...












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what was there last feeding composed of? and when was it given? do you know the quality of your water source?

I would flush with CLEAN water pH to 6.5, then check runoff.
I am growing both plants in vic's super soil the recipe is on the first page in the first post its a pre mixed soil so all the ferts are already mixed into the soil so pretty much all i have been feeding them is water molasses and some Epsom salts to correct what i believed to be a mag def, Last night i watered them i use reverse osmosis water adjusted to between 6.5 and 7.0 ph it is very hard for me to check run off since i grow in air pots, but i am pretty sure it is between 6.5 and 7.0.
As far as the last time i feed them goes i had previously been growing them in some soil that had been used on a few short uncompleted grows i realized this could be causing some problems so i transplanted into a fresh tub of soil from the same batch about 3 days ago, the soil has always been pretty hot.

One thing i am happy to report that i didn't realize until i actually said it is that the yellowing from the old deficiency on the white Russian seems to be completely gone...
There are holes in the bottom but there are holes all around the sides so half the water runs straight threw the soil and doesn't get its ph changed by the soil so the PH readings are inaccurate.
nice sounds like those airpots would sustain a nice healthy root mass with all that available oxygen... try watering in the center so the water is forced to run through the soil. its always good to know how your medium is behaving. your soil seems to be the culprit of your issues. whats average temps and rh you got going?
Yeah the air pots are supposed to help a lot when it comes to getting stacked root systems, not only does the soil have plenty of oxygen but the roots are air pruned when they get to the out side edge of the planters, its supposed to dramatically increase root density i like them quite a bit, every time i transplant i get massive growth but i hate how much spillage comes from them when watering them, this last time i transplanted them i packed the soil tight as fuck and it seems to have helped quite a bit im going to try and get an accurate ph reading next time i water. As far as the temps go they are getting pretty low lately because i have been wanting to avoid turning on the heater min-max temperature over the past few days has been 65F-76F i doubt it ever goes over 85F and the humidity has been 31%-43%, i know i should probably be running the heater to keep it a bit warmer in there but i am trying to save a bit of money before the temps drop and i have to run the heater constantly.

im liking those airpots. how much do they cost roughly? im gonna run a few on my next round.

yeah pH reading will give you a good idea of whats going on.

hey dude, you have any experience with cubensis?
I got my air pots off eBay i paid roughly $80 for a set of 6 i got 2 1.4, 2 2.4, 2 4.5 price included s+h, as far as the ph goes as i said if i could have gotten a reading before i would have tested i think now that i have the soil packed so tight i can get a more accurate reading. As far as the cubes go i have a friend who is doing some in a martha, and i am getting ready to start my first trial run.
you dont want the soil packed too tightly it will cause root damage. check that run off dude.

im getting ready to start my first run as well. B+, Big Mex, and golden teacher. i was thinking about starting out in PF cakes because of the mention of it being good for beginners. i decided to go the monotub route instead, i think up up to it.

anyway thanks for the tip. im gonna pick up some airpots for one of my next runs.
Yeah i might have fucked up by packing the pots to tightly but i really wanted to be able to get an accurate PH reading and i figured that the soil would loosen up as i watered it, the last time i transplanted i guess i must have packed the pots way to loose because the water wouldn't stay in for shit, the water seems to be staying in much better this time around, i will be checking the PH next time i water which will be in 2 days or so but i am pretty sure it is between 6.5-7.0.

As far as the cubes go i am still getting stuff together for them i just got my spores in the mail today I'm going with Thailand-Koh samui super strain from "the hawk eye" I'm probably going to be doing a poor mans pod with rye i was thinking about going with the BRF tech because i didn't have a pressure cooker but i just found a huge pressure cooker at a garage sale for $10 so i am thinking i am going to do some LC and then do some BRF cakes and rye, i went with Thailand-Koh samui super strain because i had some a few years ago and they were fucking mind blowing i have also read that the yield and colonization rate are both great. My friend is also growing Thailand-Koh samui super strain he is having some problems though, contams and his colonization is going slow as fuck he has 36 jars colonizing for his martha but they are going at a snails pace it has taken him months to get all of his jars to this point, i have not seen what he has been doing personally but i think he is doing something very wrong. He has spent well over $500 on his set up and once it gets going I'm sure it will be producing strong but I'm sick of waiting and not being able to advise him so I'm doing my own for as cheap as i can i believe i will be able to pull it off for under $100.

Have you checked out RR's videos, or the mushroom growing made easy videos? They are both great sources of information for beginners.
yeah iv seen my fair share of videos, i like these. yeah, it sounds like he is doing something terribly wrong. is it cold where he is colonizing? maybe the strain needs a bit of air to colonize faster aswell. im gonna put a 1/2 inch hole in my lid and fill it with polyfill for a bit of air exchange. im hoping to get my spores tomorrow or this week at the latest. im gonna start a thread in the hallucinatory section when i get them i guess. marthas i imagine are more expensive, but 500$? thats too much in my opinion. im spending no more than 100$ on this first go at it and im planning on doing a few monotubs. if all goes well i can yield as much as the average martha. good thing you got that pressure cooker they are a must in mycology. im gonna go pick mine up tomorrow.

Marijuana Plants love soil that is well aerated and able to drain nicely sounds like you had it right to start out dude. when i transplant i dont even push down that much. i apply just enough pressure so the plant will be held in place. but you should be fine with those airpots. keep up the good work Dude.
Yeah man he pulled out all of the stops for his grow thinking it would blow up like mad but it just hasn't done that, i guess its just one of those cases where you gotta learn to walk before you can run... When he designed the system he had bulk growing in mind he also got lots of extras, like stuff for strain isolation he wanted to make it was as automated as possible because at times he spends days away from home, he also wanted all of the bells and whistles to make it go as smoothly as possible. I wish i could say what was wrong, i have tried my best to advise him but i am not there and i can not see exactly what is going on, as far as the mono tubs go that looks like some good shit i had not heard of them until you mentioned them at which time i googled them and it looks like an awesome technique. You should check out ebay for your pressure cooker they have some awesome deals, and you should most deffinitly check out LC it may seem complicated but you can increase your colonization times drastically with a few dollars worth of stuff as long as you have a pressure cooker.
Gotta love some mushrooms, I have watched so many of those videos as well just never actually tried it... one of these days though, always been interested. First thing I noticed about you was your screen name by the way... figured you had to be interested in this stuff -- what's not to love?
Yeah it looks to me like it will be a very fun, rewarding and at times a very frustrating hobby, i to have known about these videos and shroomery for years and i don't know why but for some reason i have not tried doing it yet either. As far as my screen name goes yeah i figured it was appropriate because i was planning on starting a grow journal when i started the cubes up hopefully they will be a bit easier to deal with than these damn cannabis plants, i cant wait to smoke my own weed and eat my own mushrooms it will be very gratifying, its been a long time since i have had mushrooms far to long, it will be nice to rinse some of this soul dirt off of me.
yeah dude pressure cooker is the only way to go. im gonna check out ebay. cuz all the cookers ive seen are at least 100$. marthas can be tricky to keep the right micro climate ive heard. you need everything to be spot on. thats why im sticking with the monotub. you dont have to do anything at all once its started, just sit back and wait for the flushes. i think i might do some BRF cakes too just for the hell of it. but with my tubs ideally i could flush as much or more than some marthas.

I hear yah dude i havent had cubes in years. its soulfully refreshing. ive been growning my own cannabis for years and its the best thing to be able to smoke your own crop. now im just jumpin on board with the mushrooms. it must be so fulfilling to grow your own entheogens. i know cannabis has made my life more productive and successful. as opposed to what most would believe lol. growing my own decomposers will most definitely clean off some of my "soul dirt" as you say. im looking forward to this.

How are the girls looking since the transplant dude?
Well today has been a long and some what productive day, i tested the PH of my run off and found that is out of wack i watered with PH 6.7-6.8 water and wound up with 7.5 run off out of my blue cheese and 7.2 run off out of my white Russian i also discovered that i have bugs >< i don't know exactly what they are yet but I'm working on it they are tiny black bugs with wings I'm pretty sure there not fungus gnats because there wings are not exposed when they are not flying.
Here are some pics of the blue cheese from an hour ago.


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