My first grow 5 weeks in.


ok i plant my plant 5 weeks ago when school ended n iv had 1 porblem witch i blieve is over there any way i can make my plant grow faster i had her in a 12 by 12 by 12 box with a 100 watt soft white light bulb 24/7 light and just resently i toped my plant realy im going to veg for 2 my plant looking healthy?

the soil its in is miracle grow: vegitable and flower wih the fertlizer in it all ready. im adding no nutes because i cant afford them and im watering with with rain water (i love in fl so it plentyfull)

and also i im think about moving it out side would that b a good idea?

the last pic was the problem over watering i blieve.

comments please!



Well-Known Member
your plant may have bounced back from the over watering issue but its still in sad shape. what did you say your using 100w incandescent bulb or florescent? it might be better off if you just left this plant outdoors untill you get some good lights.

also i dont know how old your plant is but id say if your not using any ferts or nutes, now would be a good time to start


Well-Known Member
ok i plant my plant 5 weeks ago when school ended n iv had 1 porblem witch i blieve is over there any way i can make my plant grow faster i had her in a 12 by 12 by 12 box with a 100 watt soft white light bulb 24/7 light and just resently i toped my plant realy im going to veg for 2 my plant looking healthy?

the soil its in is miracle grow: vegitable and flower wih the fertlizer in it all ready. im adding no nutes because i cant afford them and im watering with with rain water (i love in fl so it plentyfull)

and also i im think about moving it out side would that b a good idea?

the last pic was the problem over watering i blieve.

comments please!

so my first question is the 100w soft white light bulb... is that like a standard everyday light bulb?? if so there is your first problem... those are terrible for growing... if you want to use a bulb like that get yourself a CFL.. incandescent bulbs dont put off enough light or the proper spectrum of light to grow... CFLs, while being weaker lighting sources, still put off more lumens and the proper spectrum... get a 150w CFL and you will start to see a difference...

the second problem you have is the soil.. miracle grow soil is notorious for causing nute burn in plants.. the problem with miracle grow soil is everytime you water nutes are released.. you cant control how much is released or anything.. they just are... even if your plant doesnt need to be fed nutes, they will be... no many nutes are going to burn your plant.. the incorrect lighting, which slows the growth, ensures that your plant is not using the nutes to its fulliest ability therefor making matters worse...

here are you options..

1) move the plant outside in the ground and hope it survives.. it might not.. but it will have a better chance than it has at the moment... if you do this get some good soil, dig a hole, and add the new soil in the hole... a 1ft x 1ft x 1ft hole is plenty big to start with...

2) if you want to keep it inside get a different light and transplant your plant into a new pot with some new soil... get some good plain potting soil, and mix it half and half with the miracle grow soil.. this way your plant will still get some nutes.. but it will be thinned out with the help of the regular soil...

3) flush the hell out of your soil with plain water... use 2 to 3 times the amount of water as the size of the pot.. so a 1 gallon pot, use 2 to 3 gallons of water... this will help wash out the nutes and balance things out... you will need to purchase some nutes if you do this tho... your plant will eventually need them...

those are basically your choices... choose whichever works best for you.. either way you go expect very slow growth for a while until it fixes itself and gets back to normal.. this could take a few days up to a couple weeks.. just be patient.. and try not to stress too much

good luck


i fushed the shit out of it and moved it out side i hope it lives other wise no growing untill school starts.


Well-Known Member
she should be fine.. itll take a little time to recoup.. but she will... you may need to get some cheap nutes down the road for flowering and maybe a little for veg... unless you plant in the ground... but you have a few weeks or better before you need to worry about that..


Well-Known Member
flushing the shit out of it wont do anything to help if you havnt used chemical nutes yet. morelikly it will cause overwatering and over nute relese from your MG soil.

people give MG a bad name but when used responsibly it is good for your plant. like simpsonsampson said "miracle grow soil is notorious for causing nute burn in plants" but thats not 100% true. it causes nutrent burn in YOUNG plants that are not ready to recive nutes anyways. when starting a seedling in this MG soil go through the soil and pull out as many of those little green nute balls as you can and throw em out. squish one in your fingers for a laugh. when/if you transplant at 2 weeks use MG and pull out about half if not more of those nute balls. by the time a plant is 1 month old it will be strong enough to take what ever nutes the MG soil has to offer


im realy worries about it it looks even sadder now...hopfuly it come threw but if not im calling my budies for seeds


Well-Known Member
It looks real bad for 5 weeks. Looks more like a 2 week old plant normally does. 100 watts in one cubic foot of space is a little overdoing it for a seedling. 42 watts would have been plenty. Probably too much water too, as you said. You need to let them get fairly dry before watering again.


Well-Known Member
the age in weeks means nothing if the plant isnt growin at a steady rate.. a plant that is nute burned will grow slower than a plant that isnt.. true.. a plant that is a month old or so should be able to handle mg soil.. but if its been stressed and hasnt grown well from the beginning, it wont matter how old it is, it still wont be able to handle the nutes, even if they are being released in the soil and not given through feeding... a 5 or 6 week old plant can act like a 2 or 3 week old plant if the situation is right... until it has the chance to grow right, meaning both foliage and roots, it should still be treated as a young plant because it will act like one.... does that make sense at all?? just want to make sure im getting the point across that i want to... well.. fuck.. as much as i hate doing this.. think of it like this... a 10 year old with down syndrome doesnt act like a 10 year old.. more like a 3 or 4 year old... now i know that is a TERRIBLE example of what i mean... but its the best way to put it.. if its been stressed, be it from over watering or the mg soil and nutes, its going to be far behind schedule both growth wise and what it can handle.. flushing the soil and removing the nutes in it, even if it is just from the mg soil, will at least give the plant a chance.. there should still be plenty of nutes in the soil that he shouldnt need to add any... its not any sort of nute deficiency it has... and over watering will not do that to a plant... the light is far away that it shouldnt cause bleaching... its a mix of nute burn and ph in balance... flushing with ph'd water and adjusting the soils ph are the 2 best things he can do...


looks very weak. do you have a fan on it? at only five weeks, with no flowers, your plant should be able to support itself.

If you dont have a fan, get one. it will help beef up the stalk.