My first grow, a closet CFL SOG.


Hey guys, I posted this in CFL growing, but honestly it probably belongs here. This is my first grow, in a homemade box tucked into my closet. Here's the breakdown: I'd like to SOG (8) plants in 6" square pots, in a cabinet 46" tall, 15" wide by 26" deep. I'm thinking I could put a shelf dividing the inside into a 29" tall section and a 16" upper section. Use the upper section for clones and to veg 1-2 weeks (12" plants) before putting them in the flower section to mature, which with a little LST should be just the right size. I'm using 42w CFLs (3 cool white for veg, 3 soft white for flower), and I'm thinking about using floro tubes for the cloner/veg room, to free up a couple of those lights down the road.

At the moment, the inside of the box is one has nothing but two bagseed-lings under a 42W CFL with a thermometer/hygrometer, bowl of water to try and bring the humidity, and a 166CFM fan running 24/7. Lights run 20/4. My plan is to pick up a few clones to round out the numbers, if this system seems sustainable.

So my question is, is it reasonable to try to take 8-16 clones off of 8 plants that are ~12"? Is this sustainable? What kind of problems can I expect to run into? Any suggestions? Thanks for reading


New Member
What about out take and intake of oxygen. Outtake is more important, air will seep in through cracks and the door. Have you considered PC fans? You can get fast like 200+ RPM fans that are 120mm online. Or you could buy an inline fan in case you wanna upgrade you can use it for your scrubber

edit: are you using all those lights at the same time? If not maybe you should. More light the better. I got cool and soft mixed in my PC case


Hi Nusky, thanks for posting. As I mentioned, I'm running a 166CFM fan in there, it's actually a 200mm case fan haha. I worked it out, and that should change the air in my box 11/min, so I shouldn't really need more than that. I'm planning on using all of the lights eventually, but my seedlings don't even have their second set of leaves yet, and I don't want to overdo it while they're small. Also, it helps me keep the temp in check. I think they've been stressed from high heat and low humidity, now in the box the heat is usually 20-24C (70-75F) and RH is anywhere from 23%-40%. They were growing great initially, but stopped after a week or so, and haven't done much since. Also, the leaves are drooping a bit, so I'm trying to get a consistently reasonable temp and humidity, so I can stop stressing them. Vick's cool mist here I come...


Well-Known Member
Sounds ok but just remember as u progress down the track you will eventually have to come out of the 'closet'. ;-)


So here's an update, my plants haven't really improved. I popped a couple seeds on June 16th, planted them on the 18th and 19th. This picture was taken on the 27th
Second run.jpg
and these were taken today.
Second run-2.jpgSecond run-3.jpg
They have barely grown at all in a week, and leaves are wilting noticeably. Temps are now pretty stable between 19 and 24C, but I'm having trouble keeping the humidity stable. Any input on what might be wrong? Also, here's a picture of the box, the CFL is about an inch above the plants.

Sounds ok but just remember as u progress down the track you will eventually have to come out of the 'closet'. :wink:
Eventually maybe, but for now 8 small plants should be more than enough for me :D


Bump? Anyone? The second set of leaves on both have gotten noticeably larger now, I watered fairly thoroughly on the 3rd and today. Is it possible that, in my fear of over-watering, I actually under-watered them? Thanks again for any help.