My first grow a little paranoid


Well-Known Member
there looking a bit over watered also watch that light make sure they dont start streching for that light other then that looking good. whats te deal with the tubes you got on the plants in the corners? it doesnt look like they all have it


Well-Known Member
Well u def. Have deformed leaves and that usually is a sign of over watering... Try not to over water.... I kept my seedlings under 24/0 for the first 3 weeks.... I dint start using nutes till they were 2 1/2 weeks veggin.... And it was only a fraction of the rexomended amount


there looking a bit over watered also watch that light make sure they dont start streching for that light other then that looking good. whats te deal with the tubes you got on the plants in the corners? it doesnt look like they all have it
2 littler co2 bottle line's


Well-Known Member
when you water, really drench the containers, then wait till they are boneydry and then water.

use the weight of the container to figure out if they are dry enough.


Well-Known Member
SSO is correct, I noticed that it looks like you are giving them a small amount of water due to that lil wet spot around your sprouts. Do what SSO says and you should be good.


Well-Known Member
yes forgot to mention that, saw the same :) common newbie error.

just relax dude, the secret to good growing, is just to do the absolute minimum you have to do. let the plants do their thing.

fuzzing over plants is the nr1 killer of young mj plant.

its just a plant and a weed at that (meaning if it grew in your garden and you didnt want it there,might take a bit of an effort to get it out)


Well-Known Member
Don't wait until the soil is totally bone dry, it makes it hard to remoisturize totally dry soil. The way to fix this is to use smaller containers, and gradually pot up as they grow. You DO want even distribution of moisture throughout the entire substrate, and your photos show that you're only watering the middle area. But if you don't have enough root growth, the rest of the soil can get stagnant and create a new set of issues.
my 1st grow 2 i germed my plants n immediately dropped em nto a gallon pot yes i no prolly not the best thng to do but i was told it wood b ok now im havn 2nd thots... 3 weeks nto veg n still only 2-3" tall will they still grow after they establish roots? or shood i toss em n restart? they still look great nice n green (couple low yellow leaves) still seein new growth 3 leaves some 5 leaves my local shop guy sed let em be veg will jus take a few weeks longer but idk... all help appreciated thnx


Well-Known Member
my 1st grow 2 i germed my plants n immediately dropped em nto a gallon pot yes i no prolly not the best thng to do but i was told it wood b ok now im havn 2nd thots... 3 weeks nto veg n still only 2-3" tall will they still grow after they establish roots? or shood i toss em n restart? they still look great nice n green (couple low yellow leaves) still seein new growth 3 leaves some 5 leaves my local shop guy sed let em be veg will jus take a few weeks longer but idk... all help appreciated thnx
Toss em or restart? If they're bag seed, probably wouldn't hurt to start over, but perhaps you can just pot these into smaller containers for a period.


Well-Known Member
they aint bag femd ak48 nirvana seeds so good shit wood transplantn to small then back big fuck em even worse?
The best advice I can give a new grower, if their green let them grow. As long as your pot's have good drainage, it shouldnt matter how big they are.
well 1 of em jus started havn sum purple n leaves n tips i thnk that was cuz i left window open for a while n it was freezn so it was a temp prob... n like i stated b4 there were a few yellow leaves but they were natural i trimmed n there so many new green leaves sproutn from it so i no its grown idk jus how long ill have to fuckn veg tho this fri will b 4 weeks n they still only 2-3" a piece... im debatn on droughtn em to c if maybe i really am watern 2 much... fml next time im jus gon start n cups...