My First Grow - Alien Dawg


This is my first grow and also my first post. I want to be able to keep track of my girls lives and maybe get some advice on my grow.

Ok well heres what i have so far,

1 17w 2ft soft white flourecent tube
1 15w 2ft cool white flourecent tube
2 23w soft white cfl bulbs
5 3gal pots
Empire Builder Indoor Soil
Fox Farm Nutrient Line
5 beautiful rooted Alien Dawg Clones

I bought these clones form my local clinic yesterday. I transplanted them into the soil today. Then i watered them and fed them according to the FF feeding schedule. What I'm worried about is i have no way to monitor or adjust my pH. Also when watering my first two transplants i used regular water without letting it sit. I realized and re watered them with RO. Also I don't think i have enough light for them I'm doing everything i can to get more lights and i will eventually but i hope these are ok for now. I will continue posting the status of my plants as i go. I have attached pics of my grow.


looks good. those little clones are going to take of in a week id say. I wouldnt go full blast with the ff nutes on the clones. some strains are a little more tolerant to nute burn. if you dont have any major symptoms though i wouldnt worry. the ph thing doesnt really seem as big of a deal as its made out to be. i dont test mine and they are fine. i even have one in hydro :) i feed it just like my others just no soil.