My First Grow and Indoors.


Well-Known Member
Heres a couple updated photos of them in day 3 in flowering. I wanted to update my first page but it seems I can edit it for some reason.



Well-Known Member
Figured Id update this anyway. Been a week into flowering now. I believe I seen some signs of sex on a couple plants but not sure yet.



Well-Known Member
We are nearing the end of week two and this is how they look now.

I ended up with 6 females and cut down 6 males. Not bad odds I would say. The females I ended up with are really nice and couldnt have asked for better. I have a lot of pistils already showing. Ill get a picture tomorrow night for ya.

I have since this started a twin 6" bubbleponics ruffnecks set up along with Stinkbuds aeroponic cloner. Only difference is I went with 3" net pots. All with clones I had pulled of the plants before flowering and labeled them all so I would know. Also have on of the better clones in soil so its my mother. I got lucky with finding the seeds in the purple kush and just in case I would rather have a mom in soil for back up.

Once the clones take off and are 3 weeks out I have the vegger and flowering set up waiting just like Stink buds.


Well-Known Member
Another update. Actually down to 5 females. Took one forever to show and ended up being male. Still not bad odds though I guess.

There on week 3 now and I have since gotten all the clones going in the cloner and dwc set up. Along with a few bag seeds Im growing out again in soil to see what we get.

Heres 11 purple kush clones in the cloner, 2 in the dwc set up in the back then we have a purple kush baby in soil as my mom, and a bunch of new bag seed germinating in the dome.


Well-Known Member
End of Week 3 with 5 females total out of 12.

Only issue I have is that the lower leaves on the plants look like there burnt. I am taking this a nute burn and flushing the plants tonight to be safe. Heres a pic of a couple of the worst leaves.



Active Member
lookin nice m8, id just pluck them off lower leaves off. I get em coz there is no light at the bottom :-)


Well-Known Member
Heres a bunch of pictures I took last night. None of the leaves got worse so I did flush them out and trimmed up the lower leaves and bud sites.

Heres a few pics of my aeroponic cloner. bubbleponics, and my mom in soil.



Well-Known Member
Took a few pics at lunch of the clones I have going. I must say the aeroponics are doing very nicely along with my mom in the soil. The bubbleponics are doing alright but arent showing as much growth as the other's.

Heres the aeroponics

Aeroponics roots

Here's my purple kush mom in black golds coco blend

The two bubbleponics twins



Well-Known Member
A new problem has risen. So the biggest of my five plants yesterday shower what looked like to me over-watering.

The leaves just curling and clawing under.

It was the night before that I watered it and it looked by far dryer than all the rest. So I have just been feeding plain ph'd water to them for like the past week and prep'd a gallon. It took the whole gallon which it has done before. The night time is the beginning of lights on. The next morning it just looked horrific. Now today I think its starting to come back but I'm not sure.

Heres what she looks like as of like 30 mins ago....

Heres a close up

What do you guys think ? Still havent watered now for 2 days will be tonight.


Active Member
doing well man, they comin along nice! looks like the soil dryed out for a while to me, what ya temps like? they drink a load of water in mid flower if ya temps are up :-)


Well-Known Member
My temps stay at about 78 with lights on. I just dont get it. I had watered it and the next day it looked like that. I thought that I may have over watered it but I have feed that particular plant a lot before with no problems.