My first grow and my new electric bill


Well-Known Member
I was really surprised today when I opened my new electric bill today as it has a full month of growing on it.
I statred my first grow and I am using a 400W/600W switchable light by NEXTGEN. I used a 400W MH for three weeks and I am now using a 600 HPS bulb. I vegged at a light cycle of 18/6 and flowering at 12/12.
My bill went up a whopping $20 for the month. Not too bad. I thought it would be almost double normal.


Well-Known Member
That sounds about right. Sounds like u pay a high amount for normal usage though. I think my 1400w's cost about that a month to run.

trichlone fiend

New Member
...I agree, HID's don't cost as much as people think...especially with the digital ballest....I've found that a 400 magnetic ballest cost about the exact same as a 600 digital to run...happy growing!


Well-Known Member
a magnetic 400 watt uses like approx.440-450watts . a 600w digital uses 600watts :mrgreen:so there is a difference


wish that's what mine went up by. starting with 85w and slowly adding more CFLs up to 404w of CFL over a month it jumped up over $250. can't wait to see what this next electric bill comes up with now with 464w of CFLs.


Active Member
how could 404w of cfl bring your bill up 250? wouldn't that be equivalent to the 4 100w normal bulbs i got lighting up my basement? or even a 400w hps or mh?


New Member
wish that's what mine went up by. starting with 85w and slowly adding more CFLs up to 404w of CFL over a month it jumped up over $250. can't wait to see what this next electric bill comes up with now with 464w of CFLs.
wow so your bill must be like 4250$ now? I dont get it?you mean 250$ a year?


Active Member
there is no way that your bill went up that much in one month because of the lights. Those are energy saving bulbs hahahahahaha theres just no way there has to be something else in the grow. 400 watts of CFLs $250???? WOW something is right for you dadio yeah people hype them up all the time because they dont want people to grow theyre selfish mine only went up $23 with a 600 watt digital ballast


Well-Known Member
I was really surprised today when I opened my new electric bill today as it has a full month of growing on it.
I statred my first grow and I am using a 400W/600W switchable light by NEXTGEN. I used a 400W MH for three weeks and I am now using a 600 HPS bulb. I vegged at a light cycle of 18/6 and flowering at 12/12.
My bill went up a whopping $20 for the month. Not too bad. I thought it would be almost double normal.
I laughed when I saw the whopping $20, There are definitely quite a few $20 a day grow rooms out there............ There should be no doubt or guesses on the electric bill if you know your equp and KNOW home much you PAY PER KWH


No joke, it's usually $50-$60ish. That one bill was $310 and the next month was $75-$85ish. Maybe the one week that month I was out of town someone came in and stole $200 worth of electricity!

o B12UT4L o

my grow room increased my bill over 40 a month when i started... so i bought plugin timer devices for most of my outlets and the bill dropped 60 -70 a month. You be shocked how much TVs computers and gaming systems suck up when there off!!! If a person wanted to start growing and put these engery savings devices in at the same time i guarantee ur bill would go down.


Well-Known Member
No joke, it's usually $50-$60ish. That one bill was $310 and the next month was $75-$85ish. Maybe the one week that month I was out of town someone came in and stole $200 worth of electricity!
You need to move. Your energy company is poking you in the eyes. I run my small grow op and run my ENTIRE house and all applicences of a three bedroom HOUSE , for about $85 a month. And thats with two kids leaving everything on all the dang time. This is a high month.


Well-Known Member
I replaced all the lightbulbs in my house with cfls, plugged up a 400w hps, and actually lowered the number of kw hours used monthly.


Well-Known Member
That sounds about right. Sounds like u pay a high amount for normal usage though. I think my 1400w's cost about that a month to run.
I can't see how you would pay 20$ for a 1400W OP for 1 month, In Canada, We have the cheapest electricity in the world. .04$ - .07$ per kW.

On a 12/12 daily cycle, 1400W will cost 98$ a month at .07$ rate and 56$ at .04$ rate. However .04$/kW is the industrial rate. Household usually pay .07$/kW.


Active Member
My bill went up a whole 6 bucks once I started running my canfan 24/7 and my 600 watt MH conversion bulb 18 hours a day. Was very pleased the damage was so minimal. I have heard of a couple of bills shooting through the roof, especially with 1000 Watters.