my first grow, bag seed


Active Member
my first grow, havent been really keeping track of the days so i dunno how many days into flowering it is. its been producing tricromes for about a week and a half now though. lemme know what you guys think or talk shit if you want lol

o and the shitty resolution is cuz my camera phone is garbage



Well-Known Member
its very short. did you run it on 12/12 from seed? nice plant btw. 12/12 from seed will bring you a nice yeild if your doing many plants. only one or a few will not bring you too much of a yeild. the yeild 12/12 from seed will be the only difference to a plant that has been vegged nothing else will be different. its good to take advice from people with experience. peace, i hope your plant does you well.


Active Member
thanks for the comments dudes, as for the lighting question; i let mother nature do the work. its been growin outside till it started to get rainy and chilly so i pulled it in and have had it next to the window ever since. and yea i didnt spend anything on the grow so no nutes or special lights, so its kinda short and shrubby. but since its all free basically any yield to me would be a good yield lol