My First Grow!Bagseed


So I took a seed from weed that tasted real good, germinated it and planted on October 15. I made a grow box from a PC case, it had 2 CFL's (6500K, 32w and 23w), 1 exhaust PC fan and 1 passive intake.
The box was really small and had light leaks. here are some pics from the third day:

In the fifth day I had to throw away the PC case, so I put the plant on the roof.
Now it's day 12 and I'm totally high, I brought the plant down from the roof and here are some pictures from right now:

The pot is small because I want to keep it small, my next grow will have more budget than this one.
What do you guys think?
Should I LST? Keep it on the roof? It's a problem to put it inside the house.


Okay. Do you think it will grow on the roof entirely, or should I move it in for flowering?
It gets like 9 hours of sun and it gets very hot during the day but very cold in the night.
Winter is coming soon..


Just went up to the roof after 2 days of not seeing it. Saw this:

I put some dirt around the stem to hold it, and twisted the dense leaves.



This grow is a first try, I wouldn't buy seeds and do this only from what I read, I had to try at least once!
If it's a male, I'll plant it somewhere outside in the street and see how people react to it. If it's a female, I hope I'll get at least a bowl worth.
After this grow, I'm going to save some money and build a grow box, or, use the money to fly to Amsterdam(!), smoke every thing in sight, and return with tons of seeds!
Then all I'll have to do is to build a grow box or wait for the season. It'll probably be the grow box, the roof is no place for plants here, you can see that in the pics above.


Well-Known Member
sure you could start lst now, But becarefull not to break top off, they are kinda delicate at that age dont bend her over to much.


Well-Known Member
If you are going to be growing outside, I wouldn't bother with LST this time of year. You won't get much more vegetative growth. It will go straight to flower producing a very small plant. You will still get buds (if it is a female), but not much~


Thanks for the info guys. I'm gonna start LST in 2 days, cause I just watered it.

If you are going to be growing outside, I wouldn't bother with LST this time of year. You won't get much more vegetative growth. It will go straight to flower producing a very small plant. You will still get buds (if it is a female), but not much~
A small plant is exactly what I wanted. Great info, thanks!


Rolled a joint, went up on the roof to smoke it sitting next to my plant and what do I see? 2 old people staring at me climbing up. I just took these pictures, sprinkled it with a little water and went down. When I went down they smiled to me and asked if I needed a ladder. What the hell does he think I'm standing on?!

Here are the pics, barely changed.


Well-Known Member
Very nice for November dude. Super nice, and it looks really happy and bushy, are you sure you want to LST it? I care dude, just that I never seen your thread before, subed :)