My first grow -- Bottom leaves drooping, and yellow spots on top leaves?


Hi, just wondering if someone could answer a question for me. My plant is just after 2 weeks from seed, it's Lemon Skunk (FEM), and the bottom leaves seem to be lightening and drooping. Also, one or two of the top leaves have yellow spots around the edges. What is wrong? I heard it could be over/under nuting or lack of light/lights too close? (PICTURES ADDED)

I had her on 18\6, with two 100w cfls (2-4" away from plant) and just switched to 20/4 for some extra light and added a 15 watt fluorescent light above them all to add that little bit of 'white light' during veg. I water her every second day with very low nutes in the water, but I heard these can be very thirsty plants and seem to dry up pretty quick (I stick my finger down into the soil by the edge of the pot to see if there's any moisture). So now I catch myself giving her a little water on the days in between.

I think this could mean over nute-ing, because I have the nutes in the water and started having to water more. But I just watered her down today with straight water, and plan on waiting a few days before easing back on the nutes (which I won't be using in every water anymore).

If you think it's something else, or you have any tips/suggestions please let me know!! ;)



Active Member
ok you should have only started feeding her at 2 weeks in. so that may have hurt her. also, if you have 2 x 100 watt cfls 2 inches away then thats wayyy too much heat and could be stressing her out. i suggest moving those bulbs back a couple inches. try 6 inches. so for right now id flush her with plain (pH-ed water), back the lights up, and get some ventilation. what kinda soil is that?


Well-Known Member
You see all the ridges on ur leaves? Your plant is watered heavily right now. Like stop watering so much. What are you using for nutes? Honestly, dont water it for like 4 days, feel your plant when the leaf feels rough like bad paper, then water it.

Your lighting is fine just up your airflow on your plant. The above post is correct, depending on your soil you feeds usually begin 2-3 weeks in, and run at 1/4 strength.

Im running 4 fans in my flower tent and 3 in my veg tent. CFLS allow you to put your lights 2-4" away from your plants, but you gotta put your hand on ur plant, feel the warmth. If the light is to hot, pull them back alil.

brewing up

Well-Known Member
flush them and give correct nutes, if i was you i would put perlite in the soil, it helps with drainage


That's true, I started feeding her at about a week, but used way less than half of the suggested dose. I have the closest cfl light about 2-3" above her, another about 4-5" away for side lighting and the fluorescent light about 6" above. I flushed with plain water and backed the closest light up about half an inch, and am letting some more air circulate. Thank you very much and hopefully she'll be alright!!


The watering is an issue for me. I know you're supposed to let it dry out between waterings. Which I do try to do. But she just seems to dry up so quick. When I notice, I still leave her for about a day before watering again.. I'll just give some more space in between, cut down on the nutes and let some more air get at her.


Well-Known Member
Do you have a moisture meter? I'm on my first grow and was having problems with knowing when to water until I got one. Now I water when its at 2.5/4 or lower and it has been working great, i also water not as much as most. i started at 1 quart when i got the clone and i use about 1.5 quarts now