my first grow! CFL + bagseed


Active Member
hey guys

so this is my first grow! :) i basically adopted these two plants from a friend who was playin around and threw some bagseed into the pots. so basically i have no clue what strain, but im hoping for females!!!

he had them sitting outside for about 10 days until I took them, im surprised they sprouted and are living still lol. the soil he used were from his garden and he also added some miracles grow, which would explain the little burning on the edges. So I built this little setup in an unused corner of my bedroom and bought 4 natural light CFL's at 26 watts each. I believe they are 6000K for veg purposes. I cut up a bankers box so I can channel some air through there and lined it with aluminum foil. Is the foil OK? I hear good and bad things about doing it. Also i have been watering it 2 times a day. i usually just splash some bottled water around under the stem area. they are currently set on 18/6

well here are some pics. this is day 2 after they have been in my care. the 2nd two shots i had to turn off the lights for a minute because they flush out the camera shot lol. it might be hard to see but the lamps are about 2-3 inches away from the little guys. thats the closest I could get it the way I have it rigged up. should work great once they get some height!

comments and advice is welcome!!!! thanks for looking :) :joint:
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Well-Known Member
I get extremely happy when I see people attemting to simulate the outdoors in the effort to growing their own bud. I think you are on the right track. Keep in mind that your lighting is limited. Try getting an alluminum tray and placing it behind your light for maximum light exposure. Great that you have a fan as the gentle back and forth movement will tear the hurd and allow it to heal thicker. Try watering only when you feel the soil dry. They hate wet environments and will show you there dislike by becoming ill. More importantly mist daily as to keep the leaves moist but not wet.

Good luck and good growing.
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Active Member
sounds great man thanks! I was thinking about spraying some carbonated water on it a couple times a day. I heard its a cheap alternative to an expensive CO2 system


Well-Known Member
sounds great man thanks! I was thinking about spraying some carbonated water on it a couple times a day. I heard its a cheap alternative to an expensive CO2 system
Actually works well. But!! There's always a but.. Make sure it has low to no sodium. If it does just wipe down daily to remove residual buildup.

Good Luck man.


Active Member
why dont you just put the plants into that empty PC case for now, that way you can wrap the whole thing up, and have the lights hanging...


Active Member
hey guys thanks for the comments :) those are some good ideas and i would probably do that HOWEVER since even though I am taking care of it my buddy wants to help out. he doesnt know how to do anything buuttt he has a nice empty 6x10 ft mini playhouse mansion in his backyard. LOL you guys gotta see this thing! once these get too big for the current pots i'll put them in larger ones and by then we'll move them into the playhouse and run a little op in there :D if all goes well I will clone these and make a bunch of more little babys :D


Active Member
I would get rid of the tin foil and get mylar if you havent already. it is way more effective than the foil. Good luck and your gonna have to post some pics when you move em to that little mansion. peace


Active Member
hi everyone. ive been busy this weekend but wanted to post up an update

here are some things that are concerning me:

1. the soil it's in. as you can see it's nothing like the one in the plastic cup it's more like clay and when it dries is hard to the touch. is that a problem? im thinking it gets dry easy so I've been watering it daily with tap water that has been sitting out for a few days.

2. it might be hard to see but it has yellowing on the little bottom 2 leaves. I read about it being a nitrogen deficiency? today I went to ace and bought some 5-1-1 fish fertilizer to help balance that. i sprayed a little bit on it today. hope its OK.

this pic are on day 5. the little guy on the left decided to fall over when i came home tonight :( the stem is really soft and I decided it's not worth keeping. so instead I will turn off those lights and just focus on on guy on the right.

thanks for reading! let me know what you guys think :)

EDIT: I dunno why it's not letting me to IMG tags but here I attached the image


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Active Member
hey do things are lookin good im doin my own first cfl grow right now to. i will be checking in to see how urs is goin


Active Member
thanks! do you have a journal?

im worried my little guy hasnt grown much over the weekend.... it was an adoption from a friend so im not too worried, its more of a test for me. if nothing moves in another weeks time then i want to start over with a clone :)


Active Member
I was also reading lots of threads and read about others doing a 24/0 light cycle. do you guys think I can benefit from that? currently I am doing 18/6

Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
Trust me, you are better of with the 18/6... the night cycle is needed for root growth and development. bigger roots = bigger plant

As for you dirt.... I think you should get new soil and re-transplant.

Clay like soil is hard on plants...

It doesn't let the water flow through it at the right rate, drowning or drying out the roots...

Roots have a harder time moving through it.

and natural nutrients in the clay could harm the plant.



Active Member
Trust me, you are better of with the 18/6... the night cycle is needed for root growth and development. bigger roots = bigger plant

As for you dirt.... I think you should get new soil and re-transplant.

Clay like soil is hard on plants...

It doesn't let the water flow through it at the right rate, drowning or drying out the roots...

Roots have a harder time moving through it.

and natural nutrients in the clay could harm the plant.

thank you for the info! im going to think about transplanting it if I see any improvement. Now that I have the correct lighting I might just start over fresh with the right soil this time


Active Member
hey my fellow newbie how things goin man?
i got 2 grows now my friend gave me his 2 plants

and im interested on how ur plants are after the transplant


Active Member
hello :)

i found some real soil outside of my parents house. its called greenhouse organic planters soil. i thought that would be nice for my little guy to be transplanted in. so I went ahead and did that about 10 minutes ago. The root was a lot longer than I thought it would be. it actually split in half by accident. :( I hope it can recover itself because its looking mighty nice in her new house!

heres some pics. the first pic is before transplant. the 2nd is after the transplant. they look a little droopy again. i think thats because i had to add a lot of water to the old hard soil to get it to budge easy enough not to rip the roots. it was a bit stretched in the last soil so i put the dirt nice up and high. i hope they can perk up a little bit by tomorrow at least 8-)

day 6


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Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
I'm sure it would do fine... it may be in shock for a day or 2, but bounce back in no time.... Does the new pot have a drainage hole? If not, you should add one. Pots with no drainage can give your plant root rot.


Active Member
yep it has a drainage hole.

well shes still green, and hasn't really budged yet. so im assuming its she is trying to rebuild her roots and stuff..... soooo i hope it makes it :)