My first grow! (CFLs) PICTURES INSIDE


Active Member
It could be the transition from the sun to cfl. Since if you did nothing but water from when you got her to now. She might want to adopt to the new lighting. I have also seen that to a clone i got from a friend. Though it was Sour Grape.
Great setup up get rid of that foil, get a nice size fan, and your set.


Well-Known Member
really i havent been watering them but like 2 cups every 2 days is that bad lol
no, that's actually pretty frequent compared to some other growers on here, but it mostly depends on the size of the plant and the pot it's growing in...I've seen ppl who water like 2x a week!


Joshie D

ok I removed the foil and the white walls seem to reflect light pretty good as well , I also put another fan in there for 2 total now one sucking the air out and one blowing it in keeping it cooler in there


Well-Known Member
ok I removed the foil and the white walls seem to reflect light pretty good as well , I also put another fan in there for 2 total now one sucking the air out and one blowing it in keeping it cooler in there
Nice...try to place the fans at opposite sides of the room so air is thoroughly exchanged...



Well-Known Member
Oh and red/purple stems are signs of either potassium def. or magnesium def., I believe?

most plants hace red or purple stems or lines inthem it is normal.

also the plant looks over watered and thats why its drooping. the soil looks like clay to what kind is it. that might be the prob


Well-Known Member
most plants hace red or purple stems or lines inthem it is normal.

also the plant looks over watered and thats why its drooping. the soil looks like clay to what kind is it. that might be the prob
thats why i put the "i believe?" comment at the end...In remember reading it somewhere, but you can't believe everything you read!



Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU! The plant looks big enough to start adding nutes, just use a more diluted solution if you're afraid of hurting it. It's much easier to up the amount if it's not enough rather than use too much at first, flushing and risking killing the girl.

From the looks of the leaves it's a hybrid of some sort. Indicas have big fat leaves and give you a big fat body high, at least that's how I remember it.

Joshie D

ok UPDATE i have switched out the soil I was using and replaced it with a new potting soil with added peat moss and perlite. I also bought Miracle grow bloom boosters 15-30-15 and I plan to water it with half the recommended dose so I don't get a nute burn! shes all transplanted now, I hope she thanks me for the change with nice big buds :)

and HOLY SHIT i forgot to mention that I must have been using clay and not known it because my first pot full of soil before i transplanted it was like heavy as fuck compared to what it is now with the new soil and water!

p.s.- I broke a 40 watt CFL bulb tonight:( so I think im going to go buy 2 more and a Y socket tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Everything sounds good man, you'd prolly' wanna start at 1/4 strength, and I'm not too sure if you know your strain, and how it would react to certain just to be safe, I would go with 1/4...just my opinion...


Joshie D

sry to keep asking questions.... but is growth stunted when you transplant? My lights have been on for about 3 hours now and I don't see any sign of growth yet when I topped it yesterday and I have seen it grow about a quarter inch by now..

could just be me bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
ok I removed the foil and the white walls seem to reflect light pretty good as well , I also put another fan in there for 2 total now one sucking the air out and one blowing it in keeping it cooler in there
white walls are much more reflective thentin foil. good move.

thats why i put the "i believe?" comment at the end...In remember reading it somewhere, but you can't believe everything you read!

i wasnt tryin to be a dick or nothin, just making a correction.

ok UPDATE i have switched out the soil I was using and replaced it with a new potting soil with added peat moss and perlite. I also bought Miracle grow bloom boosters 15-30-15 and I plan to water it with half the recommended dose so I don't get a nute burn! shes all transplanted now, I hope she thanks me for the change with nice big buds :)

and HOLY SHIT i forgot to mention that I must have been using clay and not known it because my first pot full of soil before i transplanted it was like heavy as fuck compared to what it is now with the new soil and water!

p.s.- I broke a 40 watt CFL bulb tonight:( so I think im going to go buy 2 more and a Y socket tomorrow.
im sure they will like the new soil and im sure that was the prob with the plant

Everything sounds good man, you'd prolly' wanna start at 1/4 strength, and I'm not too sure if you know your strain, and how it would react to certain just to be safe, I would go with 1/4...just my opinion...


agreed with him start out at 1/4 strength specaily with MG

sry to keep asking questions.... but is growth stunted when you transplant? My lights have been on for about 3 hours now and I don't see any sign of growth yet when I topped it yesterday and I have seen it grow about a quarter inch by now..

could just be me bongsmilie
it can be fo a day or 2 i guess but only if u casued it stress. when i transplant i see no signs of stress or slow growth beause i am very gentle to the plants. ive never experieced slow growth from it. but if roots were ripped off then it could slow it down for a few days. but its gonna be a few days before she grows good cuz she needs to get over the stress of the clay like soil. and u wont see growth in 3 hours. wait a few days and she will pick up

Joshie D

wow thank you so much! I also have noticed where I topped it the two main stems are starting to come out it looks like i did something right ;)

I will post pictures soon!


Well-Known Member
sounds like their doin exactly what there supposed to. the plant will soon start to grow at a steady pace again

Joshie D

what is going on???????? it looks so puny and purple! and three of the branches have 7 leaves and the other one only has 5?



Well-Known Member
she is fine it still looks droopy cuz it was stressed so it will bea few days. like i said be pateint. and the leaf prob u have isnt a prob at all its normal

Joshie D

its a boy im pretty sure :( its been flowering for about a week and now its showing little tiny tiny tiny pods that I have been hoping are just new branches or leaves.....but they resemble little balls more than anything

they are too small for my iphone camera to get a good clear shot but ill try to upload a picture soon