Hey tmsculli wud up? i was reading ur journal from first page to last i noticed u have a really nice setup there that u worked on man looks AWSOME! how old are ur babies rite now? i got about 6 babies of my own for the first time also 5 of them are 28 days old and one is not even a week yet jus sum days... if u wanna cheak it out heres the link bro tell me wa u think or if u got n e suggestions feel free id love to give u an suggestion but it looks like ur doing real good rite now.. o yea and i jus wanted to no iv seen ppl using those brown balls also wtf are those?
Thanks for the looks brother, I have class in 15 minutes, but I will check your grow when I get back. They just hit 7 days old today and are doing pretty well. Sadly I only had 2 of 5 make it to seedlings, but it is my first time.

Thanks for the comments on my set-up, I put a whole lot of blood, sweat, tears, and $$$$$$$$$$$ into it haha. I haven't received any feedback on my room actually so I have no idea if it is somewhere like I need to be wiht all of this.

The "brown balls" are called hydroton. They are a growing medium used in hydroponics. They fit together loosely and allow roots to form easily through and around them and they also absorb and hold water very well.

At hydro stores it is kind of expensive, but you can order it off of amazon for dirt cheap.

Thanks again for the comment, peace bro
Thanks for the looks brother, I have class in 15 minutes, but I will check your grow when I get back. They just hit 7 days old today and are doing pretty well. Sadly I only had 2 of 5 make it to seedlings, but it is my first time.

Thanks for the comments on my set-up, I put a whole lot of blood, sweat, tears, and $$$$$$$$$$$ into it haha. I haven't received any feedback on my room actually so I have no idea if it is somewhere like I need to be wiht all of this.

The "brown balls" are called hydroton. They are a growing medium used in hydroponics. They fit together loosely and allow roots to form easily through and around them and they also absorb and hold water very well.

At hydro stores it is kind of expensive, but you can order it off of amazon for dirt cheap.

Thanks again for the comment, peace bro

Man your setup is nice, I think your doing a bang up job with those ladies. I'm subscribed to this one and if you have any questions just send me a pm man, looking real nice :weed: :clap:
Thanks Wonder, that is really good to hear. I appreciate the offer and will definitely take you up on it if need be. You have any specialties I should be aware of haha
Craig, oh man I agree haha. My problem is that I am a DIY guy, with high creativity, too much $$ for my age, impulse buyer, and too lazy to return shit I don't use.

Once I get everythign rolling the stuff that I really can not use I need to return and try and get something back.

And hey, we will both see the benefits eventually. Not to mention that the start-up costs no longer matter! Huzzah for my current college business education! Not only do they not "matter" in decision making or effecting anything else, but we won't give 2 shits once we have some pretty ol' buds starin' at us =P

One day at a time.

Oh, and I don't know why I can't find this anywhere, but how long is this grow probably going to take? Also, any ideas on what I could expect to yield?

It takes about 4 week veg then anything from 7 to 11 week flowering and another 2 to 3 week drying and curing, might be ready for christmas.

Thats the killer it takes so pissing long.
Hey man,

Thanks for dropping by my journal. or should I say journals. You said you read quite a bit.
I just thought I would take you up on your offer and take a peek at your ladies.

I think I can help.

Well, first I want to say there are a lot of people here who feel the same way but opinions are going to clash so what ever advice you get I would advise you research what you read before taking action.

IMHO you don't need all those lights right now. from seedling to there first set of three point leaves they would do fine under one or two of those CFL's about a foot away. During that time you must get water to the roots. Just water. Seedlings have enough nutrients stored in them to get them to last a couple weeks. I watch them and when they start to go light green I start with about 200 ppm of nutes and add more light. I go with that for a week then 400 to 500 PPM and stop there. 500 would be about half whats recommended from the manufactures.

By running a low nute load all through the grow, keeping your pH around 5.7 in veg and 6.0 in flower you will allow your plants to grow properly by using the available nutrients. Manufactures just want to sell nutrients I believe the amount they recommend is the max you would go under optimal situations. Not your first grow.
all very sound advice.
nutrient labels are misleading to an extreme, my hydro shop owning buddy can attest to that. some nutes, like flora nova, actually give the full breakdown of levels needed for different stages (on the bottle that is), and I still go half strength on that.

Hey man,

Thanks for dropping by my journal. or should I say journals. You said you read quite a bit.
I just thought I would take you up on your offer and take a peek at your ladies.

I think I can help.

Well, first I want to say there are a lot of people here who feel the same way but opinions are going to clash so what ever advice you get I would advise you research what you read before taking action.

IMHO you don't need all those lights right now. from seedling to there first set of three point leaves they would do fine under one or two of those CFL's about a foot away. During that time you must get water to the roots. Just water. Seedlings have enough nutrients stored in them to get them to last a couple weeks. I watch them and when they start to go light green I start with about 200 ppm of nutes and add more light. I go with that for a week then 400 to 500 PPM and stop there. 500 would be about half whats recommended from the manufactures.

By running a low nute load all through the grow, keeping your pH around 5.7 in veg and 6.0 in flower you will allow your plants to grow properly by using the available nutrients. Manufactures just want to sell nutrients I believe the amount they recommend is the max you would go under optimal situations. Not your first grow.
I was always told that in a cfl grow you want to keep your lights about 1" from the foliage. They are not overheating the area, or hurting the plant, so I think that works well. I will keep searching around to see otherwise so thank you for the idea to look up a bit. Also, since this is my first grow I wanted to go kinda by the books, you know? That way, in future grows, if I change something, a single variable, I can compare the outcomes to see whether that worked or not. If i messed around with nutes this early or other things, I could risk messing up my grow by noob things such as overwatering and too much heat PLUS the nutes. Too many variables to take down. That being said, I want to try this for future grows!! I didn't mean to seem like an ass in the above, I'm very stoned, haha. I want to mess around with nutes and such early on later, but for now, nothing until 2nd set of leaves.
I understand completely, As a matter of fact, with that way of thinking, I believe you will be successful. You know, I am the same way.
I need to see it myself. I killed half of my first crop but after that, 100% success.

Good luck bud.
Haha, exactly! It is a sad thing to be such a stubborn man haha.

Well, I just checked on them, and it seems that the one is dead. Now I just looked in the cube and the root is still white, and it is a little hairy, so I figured I would keep it in there as kind of a shits and giggles thing to be honest. The healthy one is amazing. it has a second set of leaves and looks great. I will be posting pictures later, but a "he can't know about it!" person just came over.

good luck dude. i am bout to start my first grow any day now. i too went with the dwc. from what i read and "seen" ensure that the bubbles are able to splash the gorw med. good luck dude.bongsmilie
Thanks for stopping by brother. Yea, I did extensive research and believe me my bubbles are crankin'. I have the Tetra Whisper 100 gallon tank air pump dual output connecting back to one tube into a 6 inch diameter bubble disk. It's in a 5 gallon bucket so there is a full layer of giant bubbles.

Good look to you too
Day 10

I am officially down to one lady. I am uploading pictures now, but I have a question. The leaves are drooping a bit which I believe is part of overwatering. This is obviously because the root system is getting larger and is now hanging into the water. I need to lower the water so that it is about 1.5-2" from the bottom of the root, right?

pics will be up shortly
Miss Daisy:





What do you guys think? I know I am being super paranoid about all of it. In my head I see droopy leaves and yellowing leaves. If you say they are fine, I trust you guys, so am I okay?
So, I just checked on her again and I saw a small brown tip to the first set of leaves, well only on one of the leaves. If my memory isn'y lying, which it def could be, doesn't this mean either light burn, or N deficiency? If that is the case, maybe it is time to start her on some nutes?

Here are some close up shots.
There is no way on gods green earth that little plant needs nutes man. Maybe some sort of root stimulant, try Rhizotonic or SUPERTHRIVE anything with vit B init.
Whatever happens if this goes tits up (touch wood it wont) dont give up, try coco its a piece of piss. My first grow check it out.

DWC or bubbleponics has got to be one of the hardest ways to grow, after airoponics that is.

You have the added problem with having to deal with the water temp, as if you didn't have enough to worry about.

Got to show case the girls when ever you can right hahahah.


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