She looks good purp, but she is only about 2.5" tall, maybe 3. Although I have realized this...
The dark green foliage that I said I saw growing I thought was just new leaves or branches etc, I think that they may be bud poins actually. It's weird, the plant seems to be going along with the natural processes just fine, it's just so god damned tiny.
The sprouts are incredible, sprouted full new leaves in under 4 hours. All 3 already have roots poking from the net pot with a spidery root hairy mess inside too. These three, for being simple bagseed, and free, I can't believe that I think they will be a better grow than the 50$ seeds I got =/
Oh well, I just want me some ganjaaaaaa
wow man thats a neat system u got there bro... how da hell u do that? so u jus got a buncha balls holding the plant up together and then at the bottem u have a bucket of water thats always full? and the roots jus take water wen ever? or how does it work thats pretty impressive
Purp, I trust you and am going to do it right now, haha I just want to find THE BEST tutorial and pictures on exactly what to do. I have seen hundreds, but I want to make sure.
Roseman, thanks for linking that, I was far too stoned to do that for him hahahha
She looks GREAT! Green green green greennnnnn
It is so relieving. I checked the roots and there was some massive growth over the past 24 hours. More hair growth than total length, but that means that the main taps that had that....stuff...on them, didn't really hurt the rest. I am still only running 1/2 strength nutes. After I get the pictures up, can you guys advise me about whether I should go to full strength or not, or give me a ppm to aim for.
Alright, so as stated before, today is topping day. I am going to find the smallest, sharpest, cutting utensil in the house and do it up. I will post before and after pics.
Wish me luck!!
On the last picture, that little tiny node next to the stem, that is what is going to start growing right? There is also one on the other side obviously.