My First Grow: DWC (open thread)


Well-Known Member
In my book, more light is more light. I would use everything you got until it gets too hot. Apparently hps makes your plants stretch more during veg than mh, but you are doing it for only another week. If you had the option of using a mh conversion with the ballast that would be best, but yeah, I think more light is good. (i do reserve the right to change my answer again)

Either way it will be great to flower with both of them, make you buds nice. :weed:


Well-Known Member
So far just letting the plants grow right now. The one on the left isnt growing as fast as the one on the right. Im not sure why, probably because the roots didnt develop as fast.

I feel pretty good about them both right now tho. THey both look amazing for only having them 1 week. Im really debating putting the 150 w hps in the tent. The temps dont rise when they both are on, and more light could only be better right? Ill try it out tonight.

pH is great along with temps/humidity.

The initial excitment has finally worn down, and im ready for the long 3 month journey ahead of me.

Here are some pics.

ps still working on making a better lst set up, and i should prolly pick names so i dont have to say the right and left plant haha



Well-Known Member
Just some more pics.

I took down the lst lines from the left plant because it hasnt been growing as fast, and it didnt seem to be helping. Plus i kinda want to see if there are any differences in each plant from the lst or not.

I also added the other lamp. So im running both the hps and mh lamps.

The temps went up to about 82 but i dont think its gunna be to hot.

pH is level

Roots are growing fast!




Well-Known Member
So today i had to make a move, but i think it was for the best. I moved all my things into the bomb shelter i have in my house. Cement walls and ceiling keep it much cooler. I removed the tent and just have it in sitting in the room. Kinda want some input on this for reflective light and all, but i also added 3 cfl's 1 isnt pictured.

I had trouble moving the res, the water splashed around a lot, and the plants moved a lot. I hope it doesnt stress them out.

I also think i can let them veg a little longer because the room height is now 6.5 ft. Maybe not i dunno, im new at this.

Everything seems fine right now and its been a few hours so :clap: to me.

The new temps are holding at 73.5 (to low???), and humidity is 60%.

pH is 6

Here are some pics. Slight growth from 2 days ago.



Well-Known Member
yo stu... looking good man. i've been MIA lately and won't be around too much through early next week, but don't worry, i'll be back to help you out. here's a pointer... anything jigfresh recommends... DO IT. the guy is good and i owe a lot of my success to him.

okay, so to touch on a few things...

the moving water and splashing shouldn't cause too much stress just as long as there was no root damage. the next time you have to move them, don't be afraid to drain the water. the plants actually have to have their roots aired out... i've read that it's quite invigorating for them. plus it'll be a helluva lot easier to move.

as for the slow grower... don't fret about it. just like everything else, everything grows at different rates. throw the strings back on when you can and put it back under LST... it won't slow her growth. she's simply redirecting her hormones to figure out which way to grow.

if you haven't already switched to 12/12, don't feel rushed into 12/12 lighting. keep in mind that in nature, plants would be in the vegetative growth for months rather than weeks. the more time in vegetating, the more bud and more potency (under ideal situations).

sounds like you have your MH vs. HPS question answered, but just to reaffirm, yeah, use both. this way, they get a fuller light spectrum and like jigs said... the more light the better.

hope this all helps man. i'll be back next week sometime. looking good and keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
as for the slow grower... don't fret about it. just like everything else, everything grows at different rates. throw the strings back on when you can and put it back under LST... it won't slow her growth. she's simply redirecting her hormones to figure out which way to grow.
Yea as u can see from the pics i threw the lst strings back on. Right after i posted that, i kinda realized i was being impatient.

Thanks for the help NS and jig, and for future help you are going to give me.

The only real confusion i have right now is when to switch to 12/12 lighting. I thought the longer i let them veg, the bigger they will get when flowering. I dont want to run out of room later. Any input there?


Well-Known Member
The only real confusion i have right now is when to switch to 12/12 lighting. I thought the longer i let them veg, the bigger they will get when flowering. I dont want to run out of room later. Any input there?
yep, you're def right about that one. that's the great thing about LST... you're keeping the plants low right now. as long as your keep the "top" of your plant low right now, it shouldn't end up any taller than if you weren't doing LST. for example, the total height of my plants before 12/12 was about 6-7 inches. had i not been doing LST, they would have been 12-14 inches going into 12/12. had i not done LST, i would've definitely ran out of space.

with 5' to work with in height, i think you're good to go for a lil while longer before switching. but ultimately, it's your call. some people have done grows where they switch almost immediately to 12/12 really early in the grow

jigs, you have any suggestions for stu?


Well-Known Member
Hey bro. I thnk you should totally let them go a little while longer before 12/12 switch. Maybe another 2 weeks (depending on growth speed).

What are the new cfls wattage wise? Just the two more?

Temps can get low. I forgot who said it, but someone who really grows great plants said they let their room get down to 55 at night and 65 during the day, and their plants loved it. I'm not recomending getting down to 55, but they plants will work it out for sure, and if it gets cool enough you might end up with some purple buds.

What goes on down there.... you got a table next to the water heater where you sit, eat chips, and watch the plants grow?

One sugesstion, you may want to set it all up against one wall, as the light would reflect off it... or even in a corner so you get a litte more light containment. All the light that lights the room down there is being wasted not getting at the plants. I like the new location, just might want to keep some of that light.

Picturing you trying to carry the tub, water, and plants is a funny thought. The only reason not to drain the water is to not waste nutrients. The plants like fresh water, and they love air... so next time drain it and give them a bath water to go with the new location (not like you are moving them each week, haha).

When you do change the water it is nice to let the roots air out a little, not hours, but maybe 30 minutes or so. I've left mine in complete dry for maybe 2 hours (oops) and they were fine.

Not something you want to do, but if for some reason the airpump fails and doesn't work for a week or two, the plants will still live. Like I said, not a good idea, but if the worst happens, the worst wouldn't happen (hows that for not making sense). That's what scares me about aero... if the power fails the roots wouldn't like no water for days, but no air for days they can do.

They are pretty little plants. :weed:


Well-Known Member
What are the new cfls wattage wise? Just the two more?
There are 3 100 watt 1700 lumen 3k bulbs. They were 4 bux each so i got some. I might get a few more for later so i can have lights at the bottom so under the main canopy there will be some light.
What goes on down there.... you got a table next to the water heater where you sit, eat chips, and watch the plants grow?
Hahahaha, is there a problem with watching my plants grow?? I get bored man
One sugesstion, you may want to set it all up against one wall, as the light would reflect off it... or even in a corner so you get a litte more light containment. All the light that lights the room down there is being wasted not getting at the plants. I like the new location, just might want to keep some of that light.
I was thinking about putting up just one side of the tent. Ill try it out today. Im afraid to put it up against the walls because they are cement, in the basement and are like ice.
Picturing you trying to carry the tub, water, and plants is a funny thought. The only reason not to drain the water is to not waste nutrients. The plants like fresh water, and they love air... so next time drain it and give them a bath water to go with the new location (not like you are moving them each week, haha).
Im glad someone thought about the move. It would have been so embarassing if someone watched me. Once that water gets moving back and forth theres no controlling it. The look on my face would have been priceless :o.


Well-Known Member
I did some remodeling to the bomb shelter.

Received my digital ph meter! Its the type where a meter sits in the dwc tank, and whenever you want to check the ph you just click the button on the receiver. So much easier than using the test tube.

I cut up the grow tent and moved the plants next to a wall to try and keep some of the lighting in.

I did a little work on lst, but not to much. Everything is looking good.

Thats about it!



Well-Known Member
Ph is pretty low. You should try to get it a little higer. 5.8 is optimal and if I remember correctly a little higher (5.9) is good for veg. Also make sure to calibrate yor meter once a week or so... they go out pretty quick.


Well-Known Member
Just a quick update. The plants are getting pretty big pretty fast. I think i tied down the last of the stems. Im just going to switch to 12/12 when the plants reach 10". There is just not enough room!

Think thats fine? I'm still really not sure.



Well-Known Member
Just a quick update. The plants are getting pretty big pretty fast. I think i tied down the last of the stems. Im just going to switch to 12/12 when the plants reach 10". There is just not enough room!

Think thats fine? I'm still really not sure.
Sounds pretty good. You really can't go wrong. Just different time present different 'problems'. I think switching earlier would be better than later. The biggest problems with too early and too late is quantity and quality. Switching early might give up some final weight, BUT some of that final weight from the bigger plants would be little popcorn buds from the shade that aren't that good anyways.

So my vote if for a litte earlier than later.


Well-Known Member
Today is going to be the last day of veg. I will be switching the lights off at 6 pm tomorrow, and leaving them off for 24 hours. Im going to change the res right before, and change the nuts to the transition stage.

Im still amazed at how fast these plants grow. They went from 7" last night to 9" today. Either way i think its a fine time to switch over to flower.

Something weird that you guys might help me out with, my pH has stayed really level throughout these 2 weeks, and right now its actually dropping. It went from 6 to 5.5 over the last few days? I thought if anything it should go up. Interesting.

The roots are fully infused together now forming right over the 2 airstones just like with NS's grow. Kinda cool how they do that.

Im excited to see them start flowering in the next few weeks!

Here are some pics.



Well-Known Member
I got the res changed with the transitional nuts put in. (2-2-2)

pH dialed in at 5.95

Temps still 75
Humidity rose a little to 60%

I wanted to get all this done before i turn the lights out in 8 hours to make it easy on the plants.

Im going to turn the lights off for 36 hours, then have them set for the 12/12 cycle.

Last set of pics before i fully switch to flower.



Well-Known Member
looking really good. i can't help you with the dropping ph thing... i was using the liquid tester the whole time so my ph was all ballpark. but i do agree with jigfresh, my ph did seem to rise, it never dropped.

btw, where did you get your digital ph meter from and how much $?