My first grow DWC, when to harvest? Need advise!


This is my first grow and im not sure when to harvest. My plants are still putting off a good number of white hairs and a few orange ones...(bag seeds 2plants)SAM_0444.jpgSAM_0445.jpgSAM_0449.jpgSAM_0448.jpg


New Member
Looking very very nice m8 for a bag-seed and at 3 n half weeks :):)
im on my first dwc grow also, its easy aint it????



Thanks! Seems like 3months, guess cause I look at them several times a So far its been fairly easy, but I dont have another method to compare it with...seeing that I choose DWC for my very first grow. I can see where it would be a problem on a larger scale grow. It does demand your attention every now and then. I've also been using molasses along with my regular nutrients, not sure how much of a difference its making.


Well-Known Member
I'm assuming you don't own a microscope so just wait until the bud turns a distinctive amber color and looks as if the life is more or less gone and it is looking like fall foliage. Then chop the plant cure it and roll it up


I have a magnifying glass...i was trying to determine when the resin glads turn opaque, but its hard to tell they look white to me right now....


New Member
Thanks! Seems like 3months, guess cause I look at them several times a So far its been fairly easy, but I dont have another method to compare it with...seeing that I choose DWC for my very first grow. I can see where it would be a problem on a larger scale grow. It does demand your attention every now and then. I've also been using molasses along with my regular nutrients, not sure how much of a difference its making.
You sound just like me lol
thinking of making my own big waterfarm and scrogging, maybe heath robinson has enspired me a bit too much lol



I started out trying to SCROG during the veg stage and after two weeks of flowering I removed the screen, it was getting hard to change the water in my bucket, but by then my plant as half-way trained. If you plan to SCROG, plan out the position and pattern your going to grow in. And make sure your plants are sucks filling up your screen and finding out you have males after flowering. Im definitely going to try it again.


New Member
I started out trying to SCROG during the veg stage and after two weeks of flowering I removed the screen, it was getting hard to change the water in my bucket, but by then my plant as half-way trained. If you plan to SCROG, plan out the position and pattern your going to grow in. And make sure your plants are sucks filling up your screen and finding out you have males after flowering. Im definitely going to try it again.
All feminzed fella.
that has also just dawned on me again, i was thinking how i would change the res with a scrog, fuk ill do vertucal like i was going to but homemade waterfarm and make not a plant a tree :mregreen:



Yeah...i didnt hit me til it was time to do it. I was thinking of putting a drain on my buckets and top feeding the nutrient solution, but I also use molasses and it leaves the buckets kinda nasty so I need to clean every now and then.