My first grow, im using bagseed and my bathroom CFL.


Active Member
So this is my first grow and blog. Started with about 16 bagseeds, germinated using papertowel method and potted the strongest 6. I have a 400w hps but they are growing fine under the bathroom cfl for now. They are in miracle gro on 24/7 light.

This is them on day 5. :)



Well-Known Member
If you're going to use those CFL's, get them super close to the plant. But I agree, the 400w HPS will kick those CFL's butts all day long! The more light the better as long as they're running 18 hours or longer. The only way they would hermie is if they stress a lot during flower. You still have a month before you can even determine sex, so get there first :)



Active Member
If you're going to use those CFL's, get them super close to the plant. But I agree, the 400w HPS will kick those CFL's butts all day long! The more light the better as long as they're running 18 hours or longer. The only way they would hermie is if they stress a lot during flower. You still have a month before you can even determine sex, so get there first :)

Thanks for clearing that up for me skolar, i was worried switching between different lights mite stress them. Will have new pics up 2moz :)


Active Member
nice supper man, iv not bin able to get none last couple of dayz!! ahhhhhhhhhh i wanna a phat spliff to start my day but all i got is rollin tobaccco!! noooooooooo. lol


Active Member
nice supper man, iv not bin able to get none last couple of dayz!! ahhhhhhhhhh i wanna a phat spliff to start my day but all i got is rollin tobaccco!! noooooooooo. lol
been there plenty of times m8. why is the first smoke of the day so awesome ?! specially if you just woke up lol :)


Nice job frojack88 ! im going to subscribe, as there are only a few days between my grow and yours :) I hope you don't have any males :)

I agree that if you use 2 kind of lights in the same day, you will stress them.

Looks great!


Active Member
Ok guys here is the update for the wee seedlings. They have been switched to the HPS for about 24hrs now and they look alot healthier. All six have sprouted there second set of leaves so were all good in the hood lol thanks to everyone posting :)

Day 7

again sorry about shitty camera


Active Member

They are looking amazing, and i can see white hairs on some. Let me know what you think guys :) Im going to start them on plant food this week

DAY 12
