My first Grow Journal 3 Bagseeds, buds for less, LST, begginer, appreciating input


Active Member
Yeh that's some hairy ass bud ! :) Bet she's gettin smelly now =) LST has worked ace by the looks :) Keep it up dude!


Well-Known Member
Yeh that's some hairy ass bud ! :) Bet she's gettin smelly now =) LST has worked ace by the looks :) Keep it up dude!
yeah... LST did work great 'xept for the last part when I broke one of the stems. I left it alone and now it's welded itself back, it's buds look normal so I don't see much difference there.. when will you post pics dude? :) getting anxious :leaf:


Active Member
ha, could post some pics now or leave it a few days i just don't know :P Might just do it now so u quit ya bitchin! ;) ;) haha, b bak in 5


Well-Known Member
looking super sweet dude, I'll lay off with the pics for at least a week and then post again so that we can see the difference :)


Well-Known Member
yeah well, I can see a difference every morning :P you'd be surprised with her even if I put pics up today, but I won't, not until Monday the earliest :)


Well-Known Member
Ok guys, it's been almost a week, today is 22 days of flowering and this is how she looks:

I'm super thrilled, it looks ever better in reality :)




Well-Known Member
Thanks dude. I could have done even better, but this is just my second grow.. will do better next time I hopes.. But anyway, this is only 3 weeks so there's at least 5 more to go... I just hope she will keep this up 'til the end.. I'm hoping for 1 oz, but my hope is based purely on desire, as I have absolutely no idea how much it will actually yield :) Hopefully the Overdrive nute I have for her will also help swell in the last 2 weeks..


Well-Known Member
Hey herbal besty looks amazing!! I hope mine turns out as good! Btw did you get the pic of mine?? I have a new idea for lst I think you may like as well :D


Well-Known Member
lookin bomb how tall and fat is she I know its LST and the goal is to be short it's jus kinda hard to tell the actual size by pics but for bagseed this has got to be one the best lst I've came across in a while using cfls MAD props man keep up the good work any ideas for ur next grow ? Anything u would Change or wish u had


Well-Known Member
Hey herbal besty looks amazing!! I hope mine turns out as good! Btw did you get the pic of mine?? I have a new idea for lst I think you may like as well :D
:) Thanks Rene, yeah I got the pic, looks great, I'm just curious, did you plant her closer to the edge of the pot? Share the idea pls :D Wanna make an LST Help thread? :)


Well-Known Member
lookin bomb how tall and fat is she I know its LST and the goal is to be short it's jus kinda hard to tell the actual size by pics but for bagseed this has got to be one the best lst I've came across in a while using cfls MAD props man keep up the good work any ideas for ur next grow ? Anything u would Change or wish u had
yo thanks dude, I've absolutely no idea how tall she is, she's went around half the pot, then a bit up, but she's only up a few inches outside the pot.. LST went very good until last branch.. which I fucking snapped, but it's all better now, and it healed, the bud on that branch also looks as big as any of the other.

i don't know about next grow.. I'm thinking about another bagseed (x4 to get 1,2 ladies) and I'm hoping to put up more lights. Other than that I don't know... I veged this one for 5 weeks, maybe I'll do some less veg next time...