My first Grow Journal 3 Bagseeds, buds for less, LST, begginer, appreciating input


Weed Modifier
thank the ganja gods for that!!!

just keep doing what you are and you will be there soon...but don't rush! make sure that they are ready to flower and you are satisfied with the size before flowering, why rush when if they are growing this fast for you in 2weeks and they will be bigger than just 1? just a thought...and you want that bitch to go right around that pot don't you??? lol


Well-Known Member
I do.. but I feel that in a week she'll be at least almost there :) in two weeks she'll be there most definitely. :) FUCK I'm out of a little bottle of nutes I bought for veg. Only have for one more watering. :( Must go find some again


Well-Known Member
Lookin good mate. I havn't had the internet for about a week so havn't been around. plants are in good hands


Well-Known Member
Loving this post mate!
gives lot's of inspiration, im just into my first grow too and i think im gonna copy you LSTing Technic.

im planning on keeping them short because of space limitation.

Im really feeling you with all your love to them, i think it happens to every first time grower.
you love them like your children!

Good luck! im gonna sub:clap:


Weed Modifier
Thanks for dropping by DB, feel free to ask anything here and we will discuss all we can :joint:
already gaining fans...good job buddy! This is how all threads should be motivating, inspiring and most of all Fun! not like some??? Keep em Green... man!

What is it you would like to discuss Herb??? lol

have you seen my updates yet? links in my sig...


Well-Known Member
yeah man very nice indeed. I want to discuss about everything. I'm always curious about something new :) Just realized a couple weeks ago that this actually is one of my biggest hobbies so far. For instance... how many colas should I leave when flowering? I don't have advanced nutes or anything so it's not like I can support a big plant. But I was thinkign 4 maybe 5 colas per plant? What do you say? I just want an average yield for now, I don't expect much, but at least a few grams dry.


Weed Modifier
yeah man very nice indeed. I want to discuss about everything. I'm always curious about something new :) Just realized a couple weeks ago that this actually is one of my biggest hobbies so far. For instance... how many colas should I leave when flowering? I don't have advanced nutes or anything so it's not like I can support a big plant. But I was thinkign 4 maybe 5 colas per plant? What do you say? I just want an average yield for now, I don't expect much, but at least a few grams dry.
Glad you are enjoying it! yes and its a passion for me too!

colas as many as you like really! How many do you want, i mean with the lst comes more tops...and looks like you will have a few! with the circle thingy lol

1 cola should give you that....a few grams depending on how much light you can give her? cfl's have to be close and abundant to get the most outta her! especially during flowering.

So do you have any nutes....advanced is same as basic nutes really? just a name or label...its the npk values that matter! you may want to get some for flowering no?


Well-Known Member
ofcourse I will. I'm planing to buy some balanced nutes with a lot of PK but also enough N to sustain the plant and not get any yellow leafs. I bought a box of something but only later I found out it's something you mix with dirt and it fertilizes slowly the plant, time release nutes. but that shit ain't cutting it for me so I'm going to buy something else. I was even thinking about ordering some things off Amazon. Dunno... I just dunno


Hey Herbal, really liking your grow, got me thinking about LSTing mine (about to do my first grow seeds germinating atm). Just a couple of questions, how big are your pots? and how long are you going to veg your plants?


Well-Known Member
hey Birdyboy nice to have you here, and thanks a lot for the feedback, I'm glad you like'em. Well, my pots are 10lb pots, and at first I thought about veging until one of my plants go all around the pot once. But seing how they are looking now.. I don't know, I guess I"ll start flowering in 7 days. That will be a little over 4 weeks of veg, but right now I have very thick stems, a shitload of new branches and if they will triple in size then I will barely be able to support them with the 5 lights I have. (about 170W CFL 2700k, 6500k and 5500k mix). Today is the day I'm going to buy flowering nutes... will have to scout town to find something good :) peace


Well-Known Member
FUCK I have a boy... so far one lady, one boy and one shy :) Did another round of LST, I do hope I get at least 2 girls... but anyway I got 2 more hatchlings now that I will put on 12/12 in about a week or so, just to experiment and shit. Pics will follow once I unload them. I really need a better camera :( Peace


Weed Modifier
Hey man...congrats? on noticing you have a

thats the luck of the never know what your going to get? about time you gave us an update...:-P/with pics!!!


Well-Known Member
well yeah, it seems that my lady that preflowered in day 9 is indeed a lady and it wasn't just a weird mutation. Also she seems to be some sort of Skunk. 90% of the leafs are 7-9 blades, and they started pulling out only one leaf at a time, not 2. Instead of the second leaf, from every node, another branch sprouts. I guess that's just how skunks are... Anyway must get to the house where I have my phone's cable so I can upload the latest pics. Unfortunately I can't show you guys the male, but I'm pretty sure he's a male. I have put him in a very dark place and will leave him there for a bit over 24 hours just to make sure his balls grow :) the other two are tucked in their grow room all healthy and LST'd again :) peace


Well-Known Member
So... at one month old, with super shitty quality pics, I give you my plants :leaf:


So one of them is a male... and I've put him in the dark until tomorrow to see clearly if his balls grow or what, just playing with him before i put him down. Anybody need a healthy male? He looks very very indica, is super short and bushy, nice color, meaty leafs, thick stems... :)

Anyway, what do you guys think? :joint:


Well-Known Member
Hey man just found your journal and read through it . I failed to see what soil your using . And a couple suggestions to help you out . On your CFL's you get more usable light when they are positioned horizontal or the side of the bulb facing the plant . Usable light diminishes quickly with CFL's like after 2 inches keep em close . I LST also and have found that yarn and duct tape is the most user friendly and fastest when it comes to retying just untape pull tight and stick it back to the pot , no tying at all really .I start LST as soon as I think the root syetem is established and the stalk can handle it . In 4 weeks I have more than a half circle around the pot with stalk , so start it as early as possible and you will get 5-9 heads per plant .


Well-Known Member
king thanks a lot for dropping by and for the suggestions. I really appreciate you telling me about the CFLs staying horizontal... now I have to find a way to do that :) The soil I'm using is simple plant potting soil I got at the local store, has some NPK as well and some other nutes as well. I'm doing LST AND pinching, so my stems you can see are thick. Bare in mind that I tried to twist a main stem from my babies and the only way to bend it is with a knife I guess now, but that's at the base.

Now, I have a question for you, when you say 5-9 heads, do you mean I'm going to have to cut some? because I already have far more than 9 as you can see, or not because of crappy pics. anyway thanks a lot man +rep for the CLF thingy... basic but damn important :joint: