My First Grow Journal : Bubba Kush


Well-Known Member
Yes, I've just checked your previous pictures and LST is looking very good. Just keep doing what you are doing ;)


SOrry I havent updated with any pictures,... Ive been busy with finals and school..... getting ready to transfer out of state, so things are getting pretty hectic...


I have some bad news guys... I have a beautiful and healthy plant.... and so far she has been a pleasure to grow.... however, I noticed that she is producing some pollen sacks along with her buds...

I wasnt prepared for this at all.... Ive done shit loads of reading before actually attempting to grow...... I always thought, if at flower you see pistils, ur in the clear, shes a girl!!!

Well, apparently i did do any reading on hermaphrodite plants.......

Im not really sure what I can actually do at this point......

maybe you guys can help...... I cant produce any high quality pictures with my shitty phone... so i cant really take close up shots to show you.....

But im pretty sure they are pollen sacks.... they are starting to open up and drop their pollen on my soil.. its this white powdery shit.

BUt im still confused???

how did my plant turn hermi? did i do something wrong? she was growing so welll, and in fact she still is growing well.... the buds are getting fatter every day.... but the pollen sacks are growing, and they are growing on the lower part of the branches.

fuck it oh well.....worst case scenario..... im making hash

Here are some pictures...... Day 24 of flower

Im bummed that my first grow turned out to be like this after seeing the plant grow up to be so healthy :( oh well, cant wait to finish this one and start on the next..... i can only bust one plant at a time.



Well-Known Member
Fucking tragic, sorry to hear it dude, maybe when you're more settled and shit things will go better, good luck next time


Fucking tragic, sorry to hear it dude, maybe when you're more settled and shit things will go better, good luck next time
Yea i know.... oh well.... im not completely bummed..... next grow, ill have a better understanding of whats going on..... I might even upgrade to HPS and buy a small grow tent.

Im not giving up on this plant yet..... Ive got some butane gas and a honey bee extractor, ive got some hash plans.


[QUOTE="SICC";5058501]Where did you get the beans?[/QUOTE]

By beans do you mean pollen sacks?

if yes, then they are coming out on the lower nodes of the stems....the top parts are still budding and getting fat.... so im not quite sure what to do?


Well-Known Member
I meant beans as in seeds, cause i would hope you didnt by it as a clone. But i would try and pick all the bananas you can, and just see how it go's.


[QUOTE="SICC";5059684]I meant beans as in seeds, cause i would hope you didnt by it as a clone. But i would try and pick all the bananas you can, and just see how it go's.[/QUOTE]

Thanks man..... but yea.... this was a clone that I bought from the dispensary i always go to.

I would mention it to them...... but im not sure if this plant went hermie because of something I did? or was it hereditary?

im really not to sure..... I havent done too much reading on hermie plants, but I plan on doing so within the next couple days.

Im picking off all the pollen sacks that I see.... sensitive fuckers..... some of them already opened up and as soon as I touch them they sprinkle the pollen.

I think im going to grow from seed next grow..... I honestly have been to nearly every single dispensary in San Diego and I can find one with healthy clones...... and only one place Ive been to sells seeds.

I think Im just going to have to stick to clones, or order some fem seeds online..... but im kinda sketch about that.


Well-Known Member
Shit i would def go bac n tell them its a hermi cause you grew her perfectly. Im pretty sure its in the genes of that clone.